Asia pic

L'ICCROM continua a essere una presenza forte nella regione Asia-Pacifico, grazie a partenariati efficaci e di lunga data. La sua collaborazione continua con la Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) della Repubblica di Corea, ha permesso all'ICCROM di continuare a perseguire la cooperazione per l'istruzione, la formazione e la ricerca nella conservazione del patrimonio culturale della regione. Il risultato è stato che il programma CollAsia per la conservazione delle collezioni nel Sudest asiatico ha portato avanti nuove attività. L'ICCROM continua ad affrontare le esigenze di costruzione della capacità nella regione Asia-Pacifico, in tutti gli aspetti relativi alla conservazione del patrimonio, con l'obiettivo di promuovere il patrimonio per contribuire allo sviluppo sostenibile nella regione e in tutto il mondo.
Grazie alla sua stretta collaborazione e ai generosi finanziamenti e distaccamenti forniti dalle autorità giapponesi, l'ICCROM è in grado di proporre progetti di collaborazione basati sulla competenza giapponese in materia di retrofitting sismico e soluzioni di rinforzo, che proteggono la vita umana, preservando al contempo strutture storiche, nonché conoscenze olistiche e l'esperienza della carta giapponese, e le tecniche e gli approcci tradizionali di conservazione del paese.

In primo piano

Fac Nepal

ICCROM forms an international alliance to assist in Nepal’s cultural recovery

When news of the massive earthquake in Nepal broke out, ICCROM led an initiative to produce the Kathmandu Cultural Emergency Crowdmap, which received extensive on-the-ground reports about damaged heritage. As a result, an overview of the devastation was pulled together immediately and now an international team is in Kathmandu preparing the groundwork for a sustainable salvage operation.

Nepal Earthquake

Nepal Cultural Emergency Report

As the news of a massive earthquake in Nepal broke out, ICCROM, ICOMOS-ICORP and their combined network of heritage professionals joined forces to produce the Kathmandu Cultural Emergency Crowdmap to gather on-the-ground reports on damaged heritage in order to provide a consistent situation overview. The preliminary results have now been summarized into a report available for download.

World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

Cultural Heritage and Disaster Resilient Communities

ICCROM, in cooperation with UNESCO, the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan (ACA) and the National Institutes for Cultural Heritage (NICH), organized an International Expert Meeting on Cultural Heritage and Disaster Resilient Communities. The meeting was held before and during the 3rd United Nations World Conference on Disaster Reduction (the 3rd WCDRR).


Help us collect information on the Nepal Earthquake

A series of devastating earthquakes have struck Nepal over the weekend, causing loss of more than 7000 lives. The initial 7.8 magnitude quake, along with aftershocks as high as 6.7 magnitude, caused destruction and severe damage to the historic centre of Kathmandu and other heritage sites throughout the Kathmandu Valley. Quake-related damage has been reported throughout the region.

CollAsia Sarawak

CollAsia Course on Handling, Packing and Moving Collections Ends

The CollAsia international course on Handling, Packing and Moving Collections came to a close in Kuching, Malaysia. Organized by ICCROM and the Sarawak Museum Department, with the support of the Korean Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA), the CollAsia activity aimed to improve scientific literacy and critical thinking skills among the diverse professionals caring for Southeast Asian heritage...

CollAsia Sarawak

Update from the CollAsia course in Sarawak, Malaysia

CollAsia has brought together a diverse set of professionals with a combined work experience that makes for valuable exchanges and discussions. Caring for cultural heritage is at the heart of the work of participants and the course team, but different working roles, resources and cultural contexts give rise to unique challenges and solutions, which everyone can learn from.

Authenticity Forum

ICCROM-CHA Forum on Authenticity in the Asian Context

2nd ICCROM CHA-Korea Forum Colombo and Habarana, Sri Lanka 8-12 December 2014 As part of a thematic seminar series funded by Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) of Korea, a second Forum was held on “Authenticity in the Asian Context” in Sri Lanka. This event was organized last December by the Sri Lankan Ministry of National Heritage, the Department of Archaeology, the Postgraduate Institute of...

CollAsia logo

CollAsia Course on Handling, Packing and Moving Collections

12 – 30 January 2015, Sarawak Museum Department, Kuching, Malaysia With over 40 specialists from Asia-Pacific and beyond, the CollAsia international course on Handling, Packing and Moving Collections is taking place 12 – 30 January 2015 in the Natural History Museum, Sarawak Museum Department, Kuching, Malaysia.

iccrom alumni logo

Former Sri Lankan ICCROM course participants create an alumni group

Last month several former ICCROM course participants from Sri Lanka met at the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology to hold a networking event and form an alumni group. The Institute’s Director, Jagath Weerasinghe, who himself participated in ICCROM’s Mural Paintings course (MPC) in 1985 and returned in 2008 as a research fellow, was elected President of the alumni and has committed to ensuring...

Meeting for Heritage Damage Assessment in the Philippines

ICCROM is participating in a UNESCO joint expert mission from 2 to 12 December 2013 to Manila and the central Visayas to assist the Philippines in assessing the situation and damage caused by the recent natural disasters.