Saramang tao temple - indonesia
Saramang tao temple - indonesia

ICCROM continues to have a strong presence in Asia and the Pacific thanks to longstanding and effective partnerships. Its ongoing collaboration with the Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) of the Republic of Korea has enabled ICCROM to continue pursuing cooperation for education, training and research in cultural heritage conservation in the region. As a result, the CollAsia programme for the conservation of collections in Southeast Asia has moved forward with new activities. ICCROM continues to address the capacity-building needs of the Asia Pacific region in all aspects of heritage conservation, with objectives of promoting heritage as a contributor for sustainable development in the region and around the globe.

Thanks to its close collaboration as well as generous funding and secondment provided by the Japanese authorities ICCROM is able to offer collaborative projects based on Japanese expertise on seismic retrofitting and reinforcement solutions that protect human life while also preserving historic structures, as well as holistic knowledge and experience of Japanese paper and Japanese traditional conservation approaches and techniques.


iccrom alumni logo

Former Sri Lankan ICCROM course participants create an alumni group

Last month several former ICCROM course participants from Sri Lanka met at the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology to hold a networking event and form an alumni group. The Institute’s Director, Jagath Weerasinghe, who himself participated in ICCROM’s Mural Paintings course (MPC) in 1985 and returned in 2008 as a research fellow, was elected President of the alumni and has committed to ensuring...

Meeting for Heritage Damage Assessment in the Philippines

ICCROM is participating in a UNESCO joint expert mission from 2 to 12 December 2013 to Manila and the central Visayas to assist the Philippines in assessing the situation and damage caused by the recent natural disasters.

First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Haiti

A pilot ICCROM course on First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Haiti, held at the Cultural Recovery Centre in Port-au-Prince, was successfully concluded on Friday 10 September 2010.