International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
Empowering Museums Worldwide

Empowering Museums Worldwide

As we celebrate International Museum Day, we recognize the pivotal role museums play not only in preserving our cultural and natural heritage but also in fostering sustainable development globally. In a recent collaborative effort, ICCROM's initiative, Our Collections Matter (OCM), teamed up with the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and Curating Tomorrow to support museums worldwide in...

ICCROM is pleased to announce the launch of the Our Collections Matter (OCM) Self-assessment Tool. This innovative platform, accessible online, aims to connect the dots between collections-based work and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations in its 2030 Agenda to transform our world.

Introducing the Our Collections Matter Self-assessment Tool

ICCROM is pleased to announce the launch of the Our Collections Matter (OCM) Self-assessment Tool. This innovative platform, accessible online, aims to connect the dots between collections-based work and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations in its 2030 Agenda to transform our world.

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OCM webinar 2024 CCI

Our Collections Matter: Inspiring progress + valuable upcoming new resources

We are pleased to share an update on the Our Collections Matter (OCM) initiative, a programme dedicated to empowering collections-based institutions to contribute to sustainable development. This update highlights inspiring success stories, the launch of valuable new resources, and the new call for applications to participate in the 2024 OCM Field Projects.

Call for Our Collections Matter Field Projects 2024 applications

Call for Our Collections Matter Field Projects 2024 applications

Do you work with collections or in a collections-based organization, such as a museum, archive, or library? Would you like to unlock the full potential of these collections to make concrete contributions to sustainable development? Let us help you turn your aspirations into reality using the Our Collections Matter Toolkit!

Collections-based organizations contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Our Collections Matter (OCM) Field Projects 2023 participants gathered online to share project results and personal reflections on this experience with ICCROM. From May 2023 to January 2024, 25 professionals working in museums, libraries, and archives in 21 countries around the world - including archivists, conservators, curators, librarians, registrars and collections officers - participated in...

ICCROM holiday card 2023

Best wishes from Webber Ndoro, ICCROM Director-General

I would like to thank all of you for the outstanding support I received during my six-year term as Director-General. Some moments have proved challenging but always very stimulating, and through the continuous and valuable support of our Member States and partners, the Organization has successfully achieved many goals for the protection and preservation of cultural heritage.

A successful 33rd General Assembly, marking the beginning of a promising new chapter for ICCROM

A successful 33rd General Assembly, marking the beginning of a promising new chapter for ICCROM

The 33rd session of the ICCROM General Assembly has concluded in Rome. National delegations from our 137 Member States - as well as observers from non-Member States, intergovernmental organizations and other partnering institutions - attended the biennial two-day event hosted at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to assess our progress, set...

Call for applications: Summer School 2024 - Saving Energy for Cultural Heritage Institutions"

Summer School 2024 - Saving Energy for Cultural Heritage Institutions

Together with the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA), we are organizing an international Summer School to save energy for cultural heritage institutions.

Transforming Collections-based Institutions with Our Collections Matter

Transforming collections-based institutions with Our Collections Matter 

The Our Collections Matter (OCM) Field Projects and Workshops Series successfully concluded in January 2023, eight months after the kick-off meeting held in May 2022. Over the extensive period, participating collections-based institutions of different kinds and scales from Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America attended bi-monthly workshops and actively worked on their field projects inspired by...