ICCROM’s Programme Budget is financed through a mix of contributions from Member States and voluntary contributions from public and private entities. Assessed contributions, or mandatory contributions from governments who are Member States of ICCROM, are calculated based on the scale of assessment used by the United Nations since 2008.

Voluntary contributions from Member States and Partners comprise approximately half of the budget of ICCROM and represent a crucial source of finance for our programmes and activities. These contributions are earmarked according to agreements with donors and used for specific activities or programmes, in line with ICCROM’s Programme of Activities and Budget.

Financial performance of ICCROM in 2022*

Contributions from Member States (net):  3.929.885 €
Other contributions (net): 4.933.064 €
Investment revenue: -1.039.457 €
Other revenue: 565.177 €

Total revenue: 8.388.670 €

*The information presented is drawn from ICCROM financial statements, which have undergone an audit by Ernst & Young Financial-Business Advisors SpA
We thank all our partners who provided financial contributions