Alhambra Palace - Granada
Alhambra Palace - Granada

The Second World War claimed more lives than any other war in history and obliterated a great deal of cultural property that defined the communities in which they were erected. This included many historic cities of Europe.

In its aftermath, the world needed a technical institution dedicated to preserving, protecting and restoring what humanity had destroyed. In response, UNESCO created ICCROM and chose Rome as its headquarters. As home to ICCROM and as a beneficiary of its earliest efforts, Europe is a region with which the organization has always had close ties, and which has also had an important role to play in the conservation sector.

Sixty years later, humanity is faced yet again with large-scale and catastrophic developments – mass displacement of people, entrenched conflict, harshening climate. All are challenging cultural heritage preservation. Europe is again in a positon to both benefit from and serve ICCROM’s efforts. This is not only because these demographic, political and climatic forces are playing out within or near its borders, but also because Europe is able – and therefore responsible – to play a more universal role in enacting change.

ICCROM is eager to engage with a Europe that leverages everything from its resources, to experience and diplomatic know-how to model inclusive and engaged societies. Europe can take the lead in truly integrating refugees who come in search of safety, embracing the cultures they bring and incorporating them into Europe’s own. Europe can show how caring for culture is caring for people as heritage congregates and generates cohesion, understanding and even economic opportunity. And when Europe extends this work beyond its borders, it can demonstrate how the returns on cultural diplomacy are more stable, inclusive and just nations – indeed, a better world.


Visit from Ambassador of Principality of Monaco

Visit from Ambassador of Principality of Monaco

On Friday, 21 February, ICCROM Director-General Ms Aruna Francesca Maria Gujral had the honour of welcoming the extraordinary and plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco to Rome, H.E. Ms Anne Eastwood, accompanied by Ms Christelle Revel, Second Secretary and Deputy Permanent Representative to the FAO.

READY track 1

Call for Applications: READY Track 1 – Safeguarding Heritage Collections, Living Traditions and Practices in the face of Disasters, Extreme Weather Events and Complex Emergencies

READY track 1: Safeguarding Heritage Collections, Living Traditions and Practices in the face of Disasters, Extreme Weather Events and Complex Emergencies is conceived as a hybrid course, this interdisciplinary training emphasizes a systems-based approach to managing risks to heritage collections—whether in museums, libraries, archives, or places of worship—as well as to living traditions and...

ChemiNova: Advancing Cultural Heritage Conservation at Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna

ChemiNova: Advancing Cultural Heritage Conservation at Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna

From 20 to 24 January 2025, the ChemiNova project conducted a data acquisition campaign at the iconic Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna. Funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme, ChemiNova aims to refine cutting-edge technologies for monitoring, analyzing, and preserving cultural heritage sites, particularly in the face of challenges posed by climate change and human-induced...

ChemiNova: Advancing Cultural Heritage Conservation at Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna

From 20 to 24 January 2025, the ChemiNova project conducted a data acquisition campaign at the iconic Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna. Funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme, ChemiNova aims to refine cutting-edge technologies for monitoring, analyzing, and preserving cultural heritage sites, particularly in the face of challenges posed by climate change and human-induced threats.
ICCROM’s Role in the International Summer School for Youth & Heritage (ISSYH)

ICCROM’s Role in the International Summer School for Youth & Heritage (ISSYH)

ICCROM actively participated in the International Summer School for Youth & Heritage (ISSYH), an annual international event organized by the International Forum Bosnia (IFB). ISSYH emphasizes the transformative power of cultural heritage in rebuilding communities affected by conflict, where cultural heritage has been both a target and a tool for reconstruction. In this context, the programme...

Nantucket hosts landmark training on Climate Action for Sustainable Built Heritage

Nantucket hosts landmark training on Climate Action for Sustainable Built Heritage

After four weeks of dedicated research, the International Training Course on Climate Action for Sustainable Built Heritage Conservation and Management has come to a close.

WH Impact Assessment Workshop ICCROM

National Workshop on Impact Assessment in a World Heritage Context for the Republic of Ireland

On 25-26 November 2024, the ICCROM and IUCN World Heritage Leadership programme (WHL) delivered a two-day World Heritage Impact Assessment workshop in Dublin, Ireland to 80 participants working in heritage, planning, tourism and development. The workshop was carried out in partnership with the Irish National Monuments Service and the Office of Public Works.

Tackling floods: a global threat to cultural heritage

Tackling floods: a global threat to cultural heritage

From September 22 to 30, 2024, ICCROM's First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAR) programme organized a blended course on flood risk mitigation in Trogir, Croatia.

ICCROM’s First Aid to Cultural Heritage Handbook and Toolkit Now Available in Ukrainian

ICCROM’s First Aid to Cultural Heritage Handbook and Toolkit Now Available in Ukrainian: A New Milestone in Heritage Protection

With user-friendly illustrations and step-by-step workflows, it caters to many users, from heritage professionals and emergency responders to community members in crisis, such as the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Ukraine gets its first National Team of Cultural First Aiders to support Cultural Recovery

Ukraine gets its first National Team of Cultural First Aiders to support Cultural Recovery

In a groundbreaking effort to protect Ukraine’s endangered cultural heritage, ICCROM's First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAR) programme has trained 23 heritage professionals from 11 oblasts, establishing Ukraine’s first national team of cultural first aiders, ready to recover and safeguard the nation’s invaluable heritage amid the ongoing armed conflict.