Centre international d'études
pour la conservation et la
restauration des biens culturels
Filtre par région
Asian Buddhist Hetitage

Asian Buddhist Heritage

Around the world, religious sites dominate the lists of protected heritage properties. As a result, the needs of a community, who regard these spaces as functional and sacred, must be balanced with the demands of heritage conservation practices and site management.

Series: ICCROM CHA Conservation Forum Series Number 1
Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage

Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage

SOIMA: Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage is a web-based and freely downloadable book that offers tips and advice from dedicated professionals from all corners of the world, for the preservation and creative use of sound and image heritage.
Glossary of Arabic Terms forthe Conservation of Cultural Heritage

Glossary of Arabic Terms forthe Conservation of Cultural Heritage

Glossary of conservation terminology (Arabic-English and English-Arabic) developed by Dr Hossam Mahdy for the ATHAR programme and intended for conservation professionals working in the Arab region. This is a preliminary document distributed to invite discussion and comments.

مسرد لمصطلحات الحفظ (العربية-الإنجليزية والإنجليزية-العربية) التي وضعها الدكتور حسام مهدي لبرنامج الأثار والمخصصة لمهنيي الحفظ العاملين في المنطقة العربية. وهذه وثيقة أولية موزعة لدعوة المناقشة والتعليقات.
Endangered Heritage: Emergency Evacuation of Heritage Collections

Endangered Heritage: Emergency Evacuation of Heritage Collections

Built upon years of experience and real-life situations, this publication offers a field-tested, simple workflow for the emergency evacuation of valuable objects that is easy to replicate in any context.

Other languages are available inside.