Centre international d'études
pour la conservation et la
restauration des biens culturels
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ICCROM 2018 Corporate Brochure

ICCROM 2018 Corporate Brochure

ICCROM is the only organization of its kind devoted to the conservation of all types of cultural heritage.

Other languages are available inside.
Sharing Conservation Decisions: Current Issues and Future Strategies

Sharing Conservation Decisions: Current Issues and Future Strategies

Recent decades have witnessed a fundamental change in social values throughout the world, and this in turn has affected the ways in which we think about and care for cultural heritage. Increasingly, heritage professionals are challenged to adopt more people-centred approaches within conservation, whereby constructive and critical dialogue between stakeholders is an essential part of the decision making process. However, the achievement of this in practice is not so straightforward.
2018 CollAsia Survey: The Impact of the Programme on Sea Professionals

2018 CollAsia Survey: The Impact of the Programme on Sea Professionals

In March 2018, ICCROM conducted an online survey, distributed to all former CollAsia participants from 2003 to 2017. The objective was to reflect on the impact of CollAsia courses on participants and theirs institutions, and to come up with an overview on the opportunities and challenges in conservation and collections care in the Southeast Asia region as well as on the expectations of the participants on the continuing growth of the program.
Asian Buddhist Hetitage

Asian Buddhist Heritage

Around the world, religious sites dominate the lists of protected heritage properties. As a result, the needs of a community, who regard these spaces as functional and sacred, must be balanced with the demands of heritage conservation practices and site management.

Series: ICCROM CHA Conservation Forum Series Number 1
Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage

Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage

SOIMA: Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage is a web-based and freely downloadable book that offers tips and advice from dedicated professionals from all corners of the world, for the preservation and creative use of sound and image heritage.