Centre international d'études
pour la conservation et la
restauration des biens culturels
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The COSMO-ART Conference on Rock Art - Rock Art Site Management in Southern Africa: Towards a Cosmopolitan Approach

The conference aims to explore the challenges posed by overlapping issues involved in the management of rock art sites. The focus will be on rock art sites in southern Africa, but case studies from other regions are welcome insofar as they are relevant for comparison. Rock art heritage-making is a...


Sedas cargadas: causas de degradación y retos para su conservación

La degradación acelerada de las sedas cargadas representa una problemática para la conservación de textiles. Las sedas cargadas suelen mostrar efectos de deterioro en forma de rasgaduras, patrones de quiebres y fibras pulverulentas, aunque no siempre es posible identificar el acabado a simple vista...


IV Congreso de Conservación y Restauración del Patrimonio Metálico METALESPAÑA2025

Después de las ediciones previas de MetalEspaña, 2008 en Madrid, 2015 Segovia y 2020-21 en Cartagena ( on-line) nos complace comunicaros la apertura de la convocatoria del IV Congreso de Conservación y Restauración del Patrimonio Metálico, METALESPAÑA2025, que tendrá lugar en Cádiz los días 23, 24 y...


Global Awards for World Heritage Education Innovative Cases [Call for applications]

Standing at a brand new starting point in 2025, Global Awards for World Heritage Education Innovative Cases (AWHEIC) evolves through network emergence effect, transitioning from a pioneer to an innovation incubator. Our goal is to build an international cooperation and exchange platform featuring co...

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Cultural Heritage Protection and Contemporary Geopolitics

A one-week summer professional development program in Rome, with Dr. Chris Jasparro - expert on the protection of cultural heritage in war and international competition. Rome, Italy, July 14-18, 2025 The program will meet daily from Monday to Friday This course is open to all interested parties and...


Call for Good Practices: 2025 Prosperity and Livelihoods

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the core guidelines for global development efforts from 2015 to 2030. In 2015, the Policy on the Integration of a Sustainable Development Perspective into the Process of the World Heritage Convention was formulated to guide the conservation...


Colloque International : Les Technologies Avancées pour la Valorisation des Patrimoines en Territoires à Risques

Le Centre de Recherche en Aménagement du Territoire (CRAT) a le plaisir de vous inviter au Colloque International sur : Les Technologies Avancées pour la Valorisation et la Mise en Tourisme des Patrimoines Culturel et Naturel en Territoires à Risques Cet événement scientifique d’envergure...

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MOWAA Internship Programme

The Art Conservation Internship provides an opportunity to work alongside conservation specialists, gaining hands-on experience in the preservation and conservation treatment of objects in MOWAA’s collections. Interns will assist with condition assessments, preventive conservation measures, and...

Bourse d'études
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Bourses de recherches doctorales et contrats postdoctoraux

Le musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac propose chaque année des bourses doctorales et des contrats postdoctoraux pour aider au développement de projets de recherche originaux et innovants. Les disciplines concernées sont : l’anthropologie, l’archéologie, l’ethnomusicologie, l’histoire, l’histoire...


3rd European Heritage Hub Forum "EU Enlargement: Cultural Heritage as a Key Resource for Cities & Civil Society"

Registrations are now open for the third European Heritage Hub Forum, ‘ EU Enlargement: Cultural Heritage as a Key Resource for Cities & Civil Society‘, taking place on 3-4 April in Budva, Montenegro, and online. Building on the success of previous Forums in Venice and Bucharest, this edition will...