The conference aims to explore the challenges posed by overlapping issues involved in the management of rock art sites. The focus will be on rock art sites in southern Africa, but case studies from other regions are welcome insofar as they are relevant for comparison.
Rock art heritage-making is a particularly complex process, involving multiple stakeholders with sets of values that sometimes overlap, but can also diverge. Managing rock art sites in an inclusive and sustainable manner therefore requires a holistic approach that recognises the diversity of practices and the different ways in which stakeholders define what constitutes heritage. This raises questions such as: Who are the users of the sites and to what extent? What are the values attributed to rock art and by whom? How are these values used, possibly adapted, and communicated (from education to tourism development)? What are the perceived threats to these sites? How can Western-inspired conservation measures and traditional custodianship systems work together§?
To answer these questions, an international research project called COSMO-ART (The Cosmopolitan Approach as a New Paradigm for Rock Art Heritage Management in Southern Africa) was launched in 2022. It involves around 50 members (academics, heritage practitioners and students) from Australia, France, Namibia, South Africa and Switzerland, as well as local civil society partners (see
The COSMO-ART international conference “Rock Art Site Management in Southern Africa: Towards a Cosmopolitan Approach” will mark the conclusion of this research project. It will both report on the methods developed within COSMO-ART and their results, and open up discussion with international delegates to work together towards the effective implementation of a cosmopolitan approach to managing rock art sites.
Key dates
- 30 May 2025: Due date to submit an abstract.
- 30 June 2025: Feedback on the acceptance of abstracts.
- 30 September 2025: Due date for early bird registration.
- 30 October 2025: Due date for registration.
- 20 November 2025: Due date to receive the written version of your paper (a first draft).
- November 2026: Estimated date for the publication of the proceedings.
To encourage the exchange of ideas, the sessions will be plenary and open to the public.
Session 1: “What is a ‘Rock Art Site’?”. Chaired by Mélanie Duval and David Morris
Session 2: “Documenting Rock Art”. Chaired by Camille Bourdier, Sam Challis and Julien Monney
Session 3: “Conservation & Management of Rock Art Sites”. Chaired by Catherine Cretin, Lenishwa Engelbrecht and Stéphane Hœrlé
Session 4: “The Politics of Managing Rock Art Heritage”. Chaired by Hugo Quemin and Ndukuyakhe Ndlovu
Session 5: “Tourism and Rock Art in a Postcolonial Context”. Chaired by Mélanie Duval and Ancila Nhamo
Session 6: “Redefining Heritage Practices”. Chaired by Leïla Baracchini and Gilbert Pwiti.
A detailed description of the session can be found on the conference website (
The publication of the conference proceedings will follow a peer review process. Depending on feasibility, this will be a special issue of an accredited journal recognised by as many academic institutions as possible.
Provisional Programme
Sunday 30 November: Reception and registration
Monday 01 December: Keynote speakers and start of the sessions
Tuesday 02 December: Continuation of sessions
Wednesday 03 December: Excursion to Wonderwerk Cave
Thursday 04 December: Continuation of sessions
Friday 05 December: Continuation and closing of conference with gala dinner
During the conference, discussions are also planned with the Khwe and !Xun communities of Platfontein, who live near the rock engravings of Wildebeest Kuil.
For those wishing to stay longer in the Northern Cape, we’ll post a list of private tourist providers on the conference website (
Abstract Format and Content
- Last and first names of the authors
- Affiliation of the authors (please avoid acronyms)
- Presenting author and contact details (email)
Only one abstract per presenting author
- Desired session (see below)
- Title of the paper
- Abstract in English (no more than 400 words, including references)
- 5 keywords
- Short biography of the authors (max 70 words, including contact details)
Presenting authors can send their abstracts to: In the subject line of the email, please indicate session number (e.g., “COSMO-ART Conference - session X”).
Screening Process
Once anonymised, the abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and assessed according to the following criteria: consistency with the theme of the session and, for case studies not relating to southern Africa, their contribution to a comparative approach.
Registration Fees
Registration fees cover light refreshments and lunches on Monday 01/12, Tuesday 02/12, Thursday 04/12, and Friday 05/12.
IMPORTANT: They do NOT include accommodation.
A list of accommodation options will be provided on the conference website later in the year (July-August).
A payment is needed to confirm your participation. Only people who have made payment will be considered for the conference programme.
Payment information is provided on the conference webpage.
For students: Applications to apply for sponsorship to cover your registration fees are limited. Please include a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, and an estimate of the cost of the least expensive means of transportation to Kimberley.
Early bird registration fees (before the 30/09/2025)
- Students (Masters, PhD, Post-doc fellows): R1000.
- Others: R2000.
Standard registration fees (before the 30/10/2025)
- Students (Masters, PhD, Post-doc fellows): R1500.
- Others: R2500.
Costs of optional activities
- Excursion day at Wonderwerk Cave: R650 per person (including transport and lunch).
- Closing gala dinner: R550 per person.
Organising Committee
- Mélanie Duval (EDYTEM, CNRS, Savoie Mont Blanc University & RARI, University of the Witwatersrand)
- Stéphane Hœrlé (PACEA, University of Bordeaux & RARI, University of the Witwatersrand)
- Lourenço Pinto (Heritage Studies Department, Sol Plaatje University)
Scientific Committee
- Leïla Baracchini (Institut de sciences sociales des religions, University of Lausanne)
- Camille Bourdier (TRACES, Toulouse University)
- Sam Challis (RARI, University of the Witwatersrand)
- Catherine Cretin (National Museum of Prehistory & PACEA, University of Bordeaux)
- Mélanie Duval (EDYTEM, CNRS, Savoie Mont Blanc University & RARI, University of the Witwatersrand)
- Lenishwa Engelbrecht (National Heritage Council of Namibia)
- Stéphane Hoerlé (PACEA, University of Bordeaux & RARI, University of the Witwatersrand)
- Julien Monney (EDYTEM, Savoie Mont Blanc University)
- David Morris (McGregor Museum & Sol Plaatje University)
- Ndukuyakhe Ndlovu (SANParks & University of Pretoria)
- Ancila Nhamo (University of Zimbabwe)
- Gilbert Pwiti (Heritage Studies Department, Sol Plaatje University)
- Hugo Quemin (EDYTEM, Savoie Mont Blanc University)
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