In March 2018, ICCROM conducted an online survey, distributed to all former CollAsia participants from 2003 to 2017. The objective was to reflect on the impact of CollAsia courses on participants and theirs institutions, and to come up with an overview on the opportunities and challenges in conservation and collections care in the Southeast Asia region as well as on the expectations of the participants on the continuing growth of the program.
The broader aim is to respond to the conservation needs of the region and of its collections.
The survey provided an insight on participant’s experience, and offered them the opportunity to contribute with their comments and ideas to the reflections on the programme. Indeed the questionnaire was intended also to stimulate a sense of belonging and collective responsibility toward the future of the programme.
The survey was carried out through an online Google Form, distributed to 362 CollAsia participants by email. The questionnaire consisted of 12 questions. Among these, 7 were open questions, that allowed the respondents to articulate freely their answers, while 5 questions were closed-ended, proposing a set of possible answers.
This report represents the result of the survey, by analysing the data collected from March 6, 2018 through March 30 2018, during which a total of 84 completed answers to the survey were received, resulting in a participation rate of 28,1%.