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ICCROM Newsletter 22

Newsletter 22

ICCROM’s Newsletter was issued once a year to report the activities of the preceding year.

Other languages are available inside.
ICCROM Newsletter 21

Newsletter 21

ICCROM’s Newsletter was issued once a year to report the activities of the preceding year.

Other languages are available inside.
Ancient binding media, varnishes and adhesives

Ancient binding media, varnishes and adhesives

This was first published as a textbook for conservation training courses at the Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, Brussels, Belgium under the title of "Liants, vernis et adhésifs anciens".
ICCROM Newsletter 20

Newsletter 20

ICCROM’s Newsletter was issued once a year to report the activities of the preceding year.

Other languages are available inside.
ICCROM Newsletter 19

Newsletter 19

ICCROM’s Newsletter was issued once a year to report the activities of the preceding year.

Other languages are available inside.