This guidance note begins with a brief discussion on people-centred approaches to heritage conservation. This is a discussion that has been taking place for some time but involving community members still remains a real challenge at many heritage places. This document has been written for those who are – or potentially could be – involved in heritage: policy-makers, heritage practitioners and community members, and aims to provide them with some guidance on how to work towards increased community participation. The following pages attempt to explain why taking a people-centred approach to heritage is important (Part 1) and why working with communities is a key focus of such work (Part 2). Part 3 then discusses specific benefits that can be gained by all parties if such an approach is adopted. Suggested ways of working so as to foster community engagement are then given (Part 4) and a selection of available tools that may be of use are provided (Part 5). Links throughout the document offer routes to further reading and other resources.