The International Council of Museums (ICOM) is offering Participation Grants supported by the Getty Foundation for the upcoming 27th General Conference in Dubai, taking place in November 2025. Held under the theme “The Future of Museums in Rapidly Changing Communities”.

Supporting Emerging Museum Professionals

The ICOM-Getty Participation Grants programme will support approximately 20 grantees. The grants are intended for emerging and developing professionals who wish to benefit from the opportunity to participate in ICOM’s most important global event. Each grant, valued at up to €3300, will cover:

  • Round-trip airfare in economy class between the grantee’s home airport and Dubai.
  • Accommodation in designated hotels during the conference.
  • Registration fees for the event.

While each grant covers major expenses, applicants are reminded that costs such as airport transfers, local transportation, visa arrangements, and additional stays are not included.

Eligibility Criteria and Application Process

To qualify for the ICOM-Getty Participation Grants, applicants must:

  • Be individual members of ICOM in good standing for at least three years (2023, 2024, and 2025).
  • Be emerging or mid-career professionals of maximum 40 years old.
  • Be fluent in English.
  • Submit only one application per programme (SAREC, ICOM-Getty, or Grace Morley Grants).

Applicants from countries under sanction may not be eligible to apply for this funding; please get in touch with us at for more information.

Candidates are required to complete an online application form, attach a signed Terms and Conditions document, and submit a short CV. Incomplete applications or submissions after the deadline will not be considered.

ICOM and the Getty Foundation Announce Participation Grants for the 27th General Conference in Dubai - International Council of Museums - International Council of Museums.

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