The E-RIHS Implementation Phase (IP) culminates in a public event on the 24th September 2024, at Manifattura Tabacchi, Florence, marking a significant milestone for the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS).

The public event is organized by the E-RIHS IP project coordinator, the Institute for Heritage Science of National Research Council of Italy with the participation of Fondazione CR Firenze as main supporter for providing the premises for the E-RIHS headquarters at Manifattura Tabacchi. This event celebrates two decades of E-RIHS access and its significant impact on the cultural heritage field and the European research infrastructure ecosystem. Since its first European-funded project in the early 2000s, E-RIHS has steadily grown. In 2016, it was included in the ESFRI Roadmap, and now it is nearing its major objective: to be established as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). This legal status will enable E-RIHS to be recognized as a unique organization that plays a significant cohesive role in the global heritage science community.

During the morning session, E-RIHS IP partners, representatives of the National Nodes, key stakeholders and prominent institutions will present the main outcomes of the project dedicated to further evolving and expanding the research infrastructure as well as providing a legal frame for establishing the ERIC. They will discuss future perspectives and the global, European, national, and regional impacts of E-RIHS.

The afternoon session will focus on the role of E-RIHS within the research infrastructure ecosystem. It will address the ongoing efforts to synergize E-RIHS with other European long-term initiatives, thus maximize its competitiveness and impact on a large scale.

Through the years, E-RIHS has consistently fostered international cooperation, strengthened dialogue, and consolidated the heritage science community across Europe and beyond. The event will highlight these efforts with updates from partner institutions and networks and discuss the sustainability and socioeconomic impact of E-RIHS.

Join us in celebrating the achievements of E-RIHS and exploring its future directions.

To participate, please register at the following link

About E-RIHS: E-RIHS is a pan-European distributed infrastructure committed to advancing heritage science. It integrates expertise, data, and cutting-edge technologies from leading European facilities to support the interpretation, conservation, documentation, and management of cultural heritage. By integrating the excellence of its National Nodes, E-RIHS avoids duplication and creates valuable synergies, ensuring it continues to maintain its leading position in the field. E-RIHS strives to preserve the significance and accessibility of heritage as a source of socioeconomic and environmental sustainability for current and future generations. E-RIHS focuses its services on tangible heritage materials, aiming to uncover the complex cultural and historical layers within them. This approach ensures the protection of the physical condition and the intangible meaning of cultural heritage.

إعلانات إيكروم المبوبة هي خدمة للمؤسسات المهنية في دولها الأعضاء. وتتطرق الإعلانات المبوبة الإعلانات إلى الموضوعات والأحداث المتعلقة بالحفظ في جميع أنحاء العالم. وهذه المعلومات متاحة لجمهور إيكروم لأغراض إعلامية فقط. إن نشر العناصر في الإعلانات المبوبة لا يعني موافقة مركز إيكروم.

تحتفظ إيكروم بالحق في الإشراف على المحتوى المنشور في الإعلانات المبوبة ويجوز لها إزالة أو تحرير أي محتوى لأي سبب أو بدون سبب، بما في ذلك، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، المحتوى الذي يعتبر خارج النطاق أو غير متسق مع الوضع الحكومي الدولي لمنظمة إيكروم.

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