Welcoming the Korean delegation of the Culture, Sport and Tourism Committee of the Gyeonggido Assembly

On 17 May, we had the pleasure of welcoming the Korean delegation of the Culture, Sport and Tourism Committee of the Gyeonggido Assembly to ICCROM headquarters. The group heard from Eugene Jo, World Heritage Leadership Programme Manager, about ICCROM's area of work and expertise, as well as its activities. 

The presentation sparked off a number of questions, including ICCROM's position on the evolving paradigm of heritage conservation, especially regarding the increased pressure of development, and on how to better involve local communities in heritage management.  

The courses and capacity-building activities offered by ICCROM aroused great interest, as did the potential involvement of many Korean participants. The delegation indicated that they would be eager to facilitate better engagement from Gyeonggido Province in the future.  

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Lead Librarian Daniela Sauer guided the group on a tour of the ICCROM Library during which they enquired about the curation process and the diversity of the materials. They were also inspired by the digital transformation project and the efforts being made to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Library promoted the OpenAthens service that allows researchers in the conservation field to access our electronic resources. 

We thank the Korean delegation of the Culture, Sport and Tourism Committee of the Gyeonggido Assembly for their visit and look forward to exploring future initiatives in preserving our shared heritage.