Call for Papers: Traditional Knowledge Systems in Conservation and Management of Heritage in Asia: ICCROM-CHA (Korea) Forum 2015
Place: South East Asian Country to be confirmed
With the collaboration and financial support of the Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) of Korea, ICCROM would like to announce the third ICCROM-CHA (Korea) Annual Conservation Forum for 2015 with the theme of Applicability and Adaptability of Traditional Knowledge Systems in Conservation and Management of Heritage in Asia. This is the third annual forum ICCROM-CHA has launched as a part of a thematic programme focusing on conservation issues in the Asian Region.
The Asian region is extremely rich in traditional knowledge systems which have arguably helped to sustain and manage designated heritage places. Many heritage places are managed by customary law through various elements of the existing social structures, principles and some influenced by religious beliefs. With the introduction of modern conservation approaches, traditional knowledge systems have had little attention until recently where the importance of them is now being recognised, studied and applied for the benefits of long term conservation and management of both cultural and natural heritage. Traditional knowledge systems and their applicability and adaptability is directly linked to the communities and audiences such as custodians of various institutions and lands which are part of the heritage. It is encouraging to note that the World Heritage System has already recognised traditional practices as ingredients for effective protection and management of properties in the World Heritage List. It is timely that we take a stock of such knowledge systems and explore their applicability and adaptability into our modern practices of conservation and management of heritage.
Researchers and conservation practitioners from Asian countries are invited to express their interests in joining the Forum by submitting an abstract (200 words) that address the key issues of Traditional Knowledge Systems in Conservation and Management of Heritage in Asia and explore the applicability and adaptability in today’s context. Abstracts should be sent to the address indicated below on or before 30th September 2015. If selected, participants will be invited to write a paper (3000-5000 words) and make a presentation at the Forum.
For more details Contact: gw (at)