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Discover the many activities we have implemented throughout the biennium by browsing the interactive presentations below. Click the arrow buttons on the presentation slides or use the arrow keys on your keyboard to go forward. There are also hyperlinks within the presentations which we invite you to click for more information.
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IndexFlagship Programmes
- First Aid and Resilience
- World Heritage Leadership
- ATHAR - Architectural and Archaeological Tangible Heritage in the Arab Region
Prospective Activities
- Youth.Heritage.Africa
- Heritage Management in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Sustainability and Built Heritage
- Sustaining Digital Heritage
- Our Collections Matter
Research, Advice and Advancing Knowledge
Flagship ProgrammesFirst Aid and ResilienceWorld Heritage LeadershipATHAR - Architectural and Archaeological Tangible Heritage in the Arab RegionProspective ActivitiesYouth.Heritage.AfricaHeritage Management in Latin America and the CaribbeanSustainability and Built HeritageSustaining Digital HeritageOur Collections MatterResearch, Advice and Advancing KnowledgeLibrary
Records and ArchivesResearchAdvancing Knowledge