
Ingmar Mauritz Holmström (1933-2021)

Ingmar Mauritz Holmström (1933-2021)

Born on 23 February 1933, Ingmar studied in Stockholm, where he graduated in Civil Engineering from the Higher Technical Institution, and in Architecture from the Royal institute of Technology. In the 1960s and 1970s he established the architectural firm Restaureringsteknik AB, Stockholm, which specialised in the conservation of protected historic buildings, including many state-owned mediaeval...

Call for applications: 4th Edition World Heritage Site Managers' Forum

Call for applications: 4th Edition World Heritage Site Managers' Forum

Site managers of World Heritage sites from around the world are invited to this year’s World Heritage Site Managers Forum (WHSMF), held in the occasion of the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee meeting.

Wiesław Jerzy Domasłowski (1926 - 2021)

Wiesław Jerzy Domasłowski (1926 - 2021)

Polish chemist and conservator of monuments, professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń he was born and spent his childhood in Warsaw. Then he was sent to forced labor in Germany. After returning to his country he moved to Gdynia then to Toruń where he studied chemistry

ICCROM Library and Archives reopen soon

ICCROM Library and Archives reopen

The ICCROM Library and Archives will reopen on Monday 10 May 2021 only by appointment. Please follow the instructions on ...

Call for Research-Practice Teams! Heritage Place Lab Pilot Phase

Call for Research-Practice Teams! Heritage Place Lab Pilot Phase

Within the ICCROM-IUCN World Heritage Leadership Programme (WHL), the module on Learning Networks promotes activities oriented to connect people and heritage places through peer learning, advancing people-centered and place-based approaches. By linking practitioners, institutions, communities and World Heritage places, networks between natural and cultural heritage, research, practice and policy...

ICCROM stands with the University of Cape Town and South Africa

ICCROM stands with the University of Cape Town and South Africa

It is with deep regret that we have learnt that a tragic wildfire has destroyed buildings and property at and around the University of Cape Town. The burning of the Jagger Library, which holds rare collections vital to South Africa’s memory, and the impact of fire on historic buildings and landscapes around UCT, highlights the fragility of our invaluable tangible and intangible heritage. It calls...

Giorgio Croci (1936 – 2021)

Giorgio Croci (1936 – 2021)

Professor Giorgio Croci, long-time ICCROM collaborator, passed away on 16 April 2021 at the age of 85. Born in Rome, Giorgio Croci graduated in civil engineering at the University La Sapienza in 1960. He was appointed Professor of Structural Engineering at the same University in 1984.

First Information Meeting with ICCROM member states

First Information Meeting with ICCROM Member States

On 18 of March, ICCROM held its first virtual information meeting for the Rome-based representatives of its Member States. This came from a desire to enhance engagement with its Member States and inform local embassies of ICCROM’s work.

Former President of ICCROM Council receives the Legion of Honour

Former President of ICCROM Council receives the Legion of Honour

The Director of the Louvre-Lens and former President of the ICCROM Council has received the Legion of Honour, the highest French order of merit established in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte.

New Resource on Recovery and Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage

New Resource on Recovery and Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage

The joint ICOMOS-ICCROM publication, Analysis of Case Studies in Recovery and Reconstruction brings together the voices and experiences of experts and practitioners working in the field. Published in two volumes, the publication includes 11 case studies addressing issues of post-trauma recovery and reconstruction – from the preservation of vernacular architecture in rural Chile in the aftermath of...