Saramang tao temple - indonesia
Saramang tao temple - indonesia

ICCROM continues to have a strong presence in Asia and the Pacific thanks to longstanding and effective partnerships. Its ongoing collaboration with the Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) of the Republic of Korea has enabled ICCROM to continue pursuing cooperation for education, training and research in cultural heritage conservation in the region. As a result, the CollAsia programme for the conservation of collections in Southeast Asia has moved forward with new activities. ICCROM continues to address the capacity-building needs of the Asia Pacific region in all aspects of heritage conservation, with objectives of promoting heritage as a contributor for sustainable development in the region and around the globe.

Thanks to its close collaboration as well as generous funding and secondment provided by the Japanese authorities ICCROM is able to offer collaborative projects based on Japanese expertise on seismic retrofitting and reinforcement solutions that protect human life while also preserving historic structures, as well as holistic knowledge and experience of Japanese paper and Japanese traditional conservation approaches and techniques.


ICCROM Kickstarts Heritage Recovery Programme in Mosul, Iraq

ICCROM Kickstarts Heritage Recovery Programme in Mosul, Iraq

ICCROM has embarked on a comprehensive programme to build the capacity of young Moslawi architects, engineers and craftsmen to contribute to the recovery of the cultural heritage of Mosul, Iraq. This programme is implemented through an international partnership agreement with UNESCO under the “Revival of the Spirit of Mosul” initiative, and with the financial support of the Government of the...

Heritage in Peace Building

PATH - A tool for directing heritage recovery for sustainable peace

Ending civil-strife and sustaining peace is a global priority, as articulated in the UN Sustainable Development Agenda 2030, through its Goal 16. History, however, points to a different reality: nearly half of all peace agreements signed since the second half of the 20th century have resulted in conflict relapse.

Rethinking Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Heritage Collections

Rethinking Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Heritage Collections

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt everyday life, ICCROM's International Course on Rethinking Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Heritage Collections has provided a window of opportunity to rethink training and develop capacities.

Heritage Management for Building Resilience of Living Traditional Settlements

Heritage Management for Building Resilience of Living Traditional Settlements

In recent years, Southeast Asia has been affected by unpredictable disasters caused by natural hazards, such as flooding, tsunamis, earthquakes, fires and tropical storms. The region is home to invaluable and significant cultural heritage forms, ranging from the tangible, such as museum and archival collections, ancient monuments, archaeological sites, as well as the intangible: customs, music...

Traditional Knowledge Systems for Conservation and Management of Asia’s Heritage

Traditional Knowledge Systems for Conservation and Management of Asia’s Heritage

How can Traditional Knowledge Systems be applied and adapted to contemporary conservation and management of heritage? This question was discussed during the 2015 ICCROM-CHA International Forum on Conservation. The results are now available in this new publication, which looks at examples from 14 countries across Asia.

ICCROM and ALIPH form an Alliance for Cultural Heritage First Aid, Peace and Resilience

ICCROM and ALIPH form an Alliance for Cultural Heritage First Aid, Peace and Resilience

Culture cannot wait. The need to protect individual and collective identities, ways of living, and ties to one’s roots can be so strong that even amidst violent conflicts people will go to great lengths to protect their heritage. Yet, the wide-ranging humanitarian crises induced by armed conflicts severely limit the ability to secure this endangered heritage.

ICCROM’s pioneering resource on First Aid to Cultural Heritage now in Turkish

ICCROM’s pioneering resource on First Aid to Cultural Heritage now in Turkish

ICCROM, the Prince Claus Fund and SARAT, a project on Safeguarding Archaeological Assets of Turkey have worked over the past year to translate the First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis Handbook and accompanying Toolkit into Turkish. The aim has been to ensure that people living in risk-prone regions are able to enhance their ability to secure their heritage and participate in their own...

Disaster Risk Management of the Plain of Jars World Heritage Property in Lao PDR

Disaster Risk Management of the Plain of Jars World Heritage Property in Lao PDR

The Megalithic Jar Sites in Xiengkhuang – Plain of Jars in central Laos, is one of the country’s three World Heritage Properties, inscribed on the List in 2019. The Outstanding Universal Value of this fascinating property lies in more than 2100 tubular-shaped stone jars located on hill slopes and spurs surrounding the central plateau of country. Used for funerary practices in the Iron Age, they...

Evacuation manual for heritage collections now in Portuguese

Evacuation manual for heritage collections now in Portuguese

ICCROM is proud to announce the release of the Portuguese version of Endangered Heritage: Emergency Evacuation of Heritage Collections translated by the Grupo de Amigos do Museu Nacional dos Coches (GAMNAC), in collaboration with ICOM Portugal and ICOMOS Portugal. The project was coordinated by ICCROM Council Member Isabel Raposo de Magalhães, and is co-published by GAMNAC, ICCROM, and UNESCO.

Qatar National Day 2019 celebrations in Rome

Qatar National Day 2019 celebrations in Rome

ICCROM was present on 10 December at an event organized by the Embassy of Qatar in Rome, as part of a programme of celebrations being held to honour Qatar National Day (also known as 'Founder's Day').