The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the core guidelines for global development efforts from 2015 to 2030. In 2015, the Policy on the Integration of a Sustainable Development Perspective into the Process of the World Heritage Convention was formulated to guide the conservation and management of World Heritage. The "Regional Framework Action Plan for Asia and the Pacific (2023 - 2030)" takes good sustainable development cases as one of the performance indicators.

In 2023, encouraged by UNESCO, WHITR - AP Shanghai launched the "World Heritage Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals" project (2023 - 2028) in the Asia - Pacific region. An steering group was established with representatives from UNESCO World Heritage Centre, World Heritage advisory bodies, the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SEAMEO SPAFA), the International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage (HIST) etc., to collect good cases in the Asia - Pacific region.

The overall goals of the project are as follows:

  • Facilitate all parties' in-depth understanding of international sustainable development documents.
  • Explore and recognize the contributions of heritage practitioners in conservation and management work.
  • Interpret and analyze effective ways to achieve sustainable development in the practice of heritage conservation and management for heritage practitioners.

Target Audience

This call is open to all heritage practitioners directly involved in heritage conservation and management. The applicants can be individuals, organizations, or a combination of individuals and organizations.

How to Apply

Please complete the application form and send it
The following are some notes to facilitate your application:

  1. Each project should be submitted on a separate application form.
  2. A heritage site may apply for one or multiple projects, and the intrinsic relationship of sustainable development among multiple projects should be stated in the application.
  3. One or multiple projects can meet the requirements of one or more themes (“Environment and Resilience”, “Prosperity and Livelihoods”, “Knowledge and Skills”, “Inclusion and Participation”). The 2025 call is for “Prosperity and Livelihoods” cases.

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