TECHNART is a key biennial International Conference dedicated to showcasing and promoting advancements in analytical techniques applied to heritage science, including art, archaeology and the broader field of cultural heritage conservation. Since its first 2007 edition in Lisbon, the conference has been hosted in cities such as Athens, Berlin, Amsterdam, Catania, Bilbao, Bruges, and most recently, in Lisbon in 2023.

The meeting, which usually joins together around 400 participants from all over the world, is an outstanding opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience on cutting-edge research and innovative approaches in the multi- and inter-disciplinary field of scientific methodologies for the study of nature, properties and alterations of heritage materials (including pigments, stones, metals, glass, ceramics, proteins, lipids, and other natural and synthetic organic materials), or for data storage and processing, or also for the knowledge and advancement of conservation and prevention standards.

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