The program for the Day of Restoration 2025 on 31.03.2025 depicts the broad spectrum of today's conservation and restoration taking into account scientific and art-historical methods: It reports on the painting technique of Franz and Wilhelm Steinfeld, the investigation of the Schiele painting Trude Engel, the restoration of the Lehár Villa in Bad Ischl, on spray retouching, painting and wood panel preservation as well as on cleaning with chalk and the discovery of a previously unknown Picasso painting.

The focus of plastics is on the lectures on conservation work on the collection of devices of the Multimedia Collections of the Universal Museum Joanneum and the conference report on the Future talks: Materials matter. Cold and Current Cases in the Conservation of the Modern in Munich.

Costs: Participation fee: 50 € (cash office open from 08:45 am);
Pupils, students, Club Joanneum members: 25 €

Location: Museums in Schloss Stainz, Auditorium

Date: 03/31/25, 09:00 – 17:00

Information: Katharina Fochler +43(660)4108569

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