The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) seeks applicants for a Professional Fellowship for the Arches Project, which supports the open-source Arches Heritage Data Management Platform. Arches integrates a robust suite of modern and innovative software tools, including semantic, geospatial, and web technologies, for a broad range of data management needs of the international cultural heritage community. The Professional Fellow will be an integral part of the Arches Project team, engaging with a diverse and interdisciplinary community of heritage organizations, funders, software developers and service providers, and individual heritage professionals such as planners, archaeologists, architects, conservators, researchers, scientists, and educators. 

The GCI Professional Fellowship program is designed to provide unique formative experiences to professionals working for the advancement of heritage conservation practice at an early phase of their careers. The Professional Fellow, who has no more than five years of experience beyond academic training, will join team members on an established project and gain additional research and work experience under the guidance of more experienced senior staff members.  This fellowship is full-time (in-person at Getty) for a period of three years, from 2024 to 2027, after which the fellow will use broadened professional experience for career advancement and to pursue additional opportunities in the field.

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