HeriCC 1st International Conference: Heritage, Conservation and Creativity Cultural Heritage in transformation
9/10 October 2024
On the 9th and 10th of October 2024, the Technology, Restoration and Arts Enhancement Centre (TECHN&ART), from the Polytechnic University of Tomar (IPT), in Portugal, will be organizing the HeriCC 1st International Conference designed to be a forum of discussion in emerging topics in HERITAGE, CONSERVATION and CREATIVITY. This year’s inaugural conference will focus on the theme of Cultural Heritage in transformation. The conference, to be held at the Polytechnic University of Tomar, follows several exercises already practiced within the framework of the CREATIVE CONSERVATION methodology, whose results will be displayed and discussed during the conference.
The PROGRAMME is already available at Programme | HeriCC .
D'ont miss the opportunity to participate in the Creative Conservation Workshop or to listen to the Keynote Speakers:
- Jonathan Kemp | The University of Melbourne, Australia
- Hélia Marçal | University College London, England
- Salvador Muñoz-Viñas | Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
- Luiz Oosterbeek | CGeo, Polytechnic University of Tomar, Portugal
- Zoltán Somhegyi | University of the Reformed Church, Hungary
- Gaby Wijers | LI-MA Living Media Art Foundation, The Netherlands
Registration is open until 30 September 2024 at Registration | HeriCC.
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