Under the title "Difficult Heritage," the Emerging Professionals Working Group of ICOMOS Denmark, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, Italy, and Sweden is organizing its third Online School. This will take place on September 21st, 22nd, and 28th, 2024 in virtual space.

This workshop will delve into key aspects of heritage theory and practice, including the protection, conservation, and management of heritage sites. Participants will explore ways to present dissonant heritage, manage and navigate conflicting interpretations, and foster a multivocal and peaceful consideration of these complex issues. The aim is to create an open dialogue platform where emerging professionals can share experiences and strategies for handling dissonant heritage, especially in contexts of armed conflicts, colonial domination and legacies of colonialism, dictatorship, and discrimination.

Applications to participate will be considered until August 15th, 2024. Please see the attachment for more information and application criteria. The application link is as follows:

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