Call for paper abstracts 

Wax-resin lining: history, effects on paintings, consequences for conservation 

The Amsterdam Wax-Resin Project (AWRP) at the department Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is preparing a publication on wax-resin lining. Authors are invited to submit an abstract to the selection committee by November 1, 2024.  

The publication aims to collect and disseminate critical knowledge needed for the conservation and preservation of wax-resin lined paintings. It also aims to present the current state of research and discuss the challenges faced with respect to conserving wax-resin lined paintings. It is expected that the publication will form a basis from which to move forward, defining future perspectives. 

For more information on the formats of papers, the selection of abstracts, and submission procedure, please consult the website: Call for paper abstracts (deadline November 1, 2024) (  

For background information on the publication: Publication ( 

The project is supported by the Getty Foundation as part of its Conserving Canvas grant initiative. It will be published by Archetype Publications and will be available online in 2027. 

The editors, Emilie Froment, Ella Hendriks, Esther van Duijn. 

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