“Heritage and Landscapes Futures” Blended Intensive Programme is organised by the EU HERILAND Graduate Training Network. 

We kindly invite you to a 5-day programme in Gothenburg, on 7-11 October 2024. The course is open for graduate students and recent graduates in heritage studies, architecture, archaeology, history, spatial planning and design, geography, social sciences and related disciplines. 

  • Time investment: 84 hours (3 ec) 
  • Hands-on training in the latest research methodologies and policy frameworks 
  • Discover how heritage planning research is helping to address urgent societal challenges 
  • Rethink your career opportunities / meet future employers 
  • There is no tuition fee. The course is funded by Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme funding. Please contact the Erasmus office of your home institution to find out if you are eligible to receive an Erasmus+ Short Blended mobility grant from your home institution.

This module was created by the Heriland team to give graduates an opportunity to experience through collaborative training activities the latest developments in cultural heritage and landscape planning research. Heriland is a network of heritage planning researchers and practitioners funded by the EU.

  • Do you want to collaborate with graduates from across Europe who share your passion for cultural heritage and landscape planning?
  • Do you want to discover how heritage planning research is helping to address urgent societal challenges?
  • Do you want to gain hands-on experience with the latest research methodologies and policy frameworks?
  • Do you want to participate in discussions about the future of heritage planning research, education and policy?
  • Do you want to rethink your career opportunities in academia and beyond?

Then, this Heriland Blended Intensive Programme – including a 5-day programme in Gothenburg and online collaborative activities – is the right one for you.

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