"The role of restorers in combating the illegal trade in works of art is complex and delicate. On the one hand, their deep knowledge and technical skills make them key figures in the process of authentication and reassessment of works of art, making them potential targets for traffickers seeking to recycle stolen or falsified goods. On the other hand, their professional ethics and respect for cultural heritage should encourage them to report any suspicious activity and to cooperate with the authorities to combat this crime. The anonymity that surrounds the illicit art market makes it even more difficult to detect and stop traffickers. Cultural goods are often recycled through opaque channels, such as clandestine auction houses or unscrupulous private collectors, making it almost impossible to trace their true origin. The fight against the illegal trade in works of art requires a commitment from all the actors involved, including restorers. Thanks to their knowledge, professionalism and integrity, restorers can play a fundamental role in protecting our cultural heritage.

As a restorer I find myself personally involved in this discussion for this reason I decided as a final thesis at the Master in Cultural Property Protection in Crisis Response, at the University of Turin, to develop a project that will focus on the illegal trade in works of art and how Restorers can play an important role by mitigating the illicit trade in works of art.

For this reason, I have devised a questionnaire to probe the point of view of European and other restorers on this phenomenon. Your answers will be invaluable in drawing up a complete picture of the situation and in drawing up a concrete project to combat illegal trafficking in works of art.

Participating is simple and safe, click on the link below to access the questionnaire:
English version:

Italian Version:

Filling in the questionnaire takes less than 5 minutes;
The questionnaire is completely anonymous.
Together we can make a difference!

Your contribution is crucial to protecting our cultural heritage and combating a crime that affects our identity at heart.

Thank you for your time and cooperation!

Michela Contessi
Accredited restorer at the Italian Ministry of Culture
Master in Cultural Property Protection in Crisis Response, at the University of Turin

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