The ACHS is a global network of heritage professionals who are dedicated to the critical study and practice of heritage. ACHS’s main objective is to promote heritage as a critical research area from diverse perspectives, considering the power relationships within it and encouraging the participation of people and communities in the creation and management of heritage. The theme of our 2024 conference is “Custodianship/Coimirce.”

This theme reflects our commitment to exploring the role of communities in the stewardship of heritage. We will be examining how communities can be empowered to act as custodians of their own heritage, and how heritage can be used to promote social justice and sustainable development.

Register here.

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L'ICCROM se réserve le droit de modérer le contenu publié dans les annonces et peut supprimer ou modifier tout contenu pour quelque raison que ce soit, y compris, mais pas seulement, ce qui est jugé hors de propos ou incompatible avec le statut intergouvernemental de l'ICCROM.


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