The next Art for Tomorrow will take place in Venice from June 5-7, 2024 at the Palazzo Diedo, owned and newly renovated by the Berggruen Institute. The “floating city” is an appropriate setting to consider the complex problems that beauty can bring: How can cities and cultural sites  celebrate their heritage without becoming victims of their own success through overtourism? How can museums and monuments protect themselves from the inevitable impact of the climate crisis? How should institutions and artists think about and reflect the concerns of their changing populations? 

These are just a few of the questions we’ll consider at Art for Tomorrow, in a rich program with sessions moderated by New York Times journalists. Underpinning it all will be the central question of how the arts can unite and heal.

The plenary sessions will be complemented by exclusive cultural visits to iconic landmarks and some of the city’s best-kept secrets, such as guided tours of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection to view the exhibition “Jean Cocteau: The Juggler’s Revenge“, the Orsoni furnace, Giardini and Arsenale at the 60th Venice Biennale titled “Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere,” and tours of private collectors’ homes.

Topics highlights:

  • The Arts as the Ultimate Mediator
  • Architecture for Good: Can Transformation Be Designed?
  • AI and Creativity: Revolution or Disruption?
  • Sustainability and the Pitfalls of Beauty
  • Identity Crisis: Museums and Social Change

All information can be found here.

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