The European Heritage Hub invites you to its inaugural ‘Heritage Dialogues’ Webinar, themed ‘Cultural Heritage for an Inclusive and Democratic Europe’. This online event will take place on Tuesday, 11 June 2024, from 11:00 to 13:00 CET.

Engage with representatives from the European Commission, the Council of Europe, Civil Society Organisations, as well as Local and National Representatives, as we discuss the role of cultural heritage in fostering democracy and a more inclusive society. In the wake of the European elections, a crucial time when Europe’s citizens have exercised their democratic rights, the key role of democracy and the rule of law will also be explored. 

This webinar aims to provide a platform for members of the Hub’s Community of Interest – extending beyond heritage professionals – to reflect on Europe’s better future, placing culture and heritage at the centre. 

Mirroring the democratic exercise taking place in Europe, after the panel discussion participants will be invited to join interactive breakout sessions focusing on: 

  • Inclusion
  • Democracy 
  • Cultural Citizenship

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a transformative discussion on Europe’s cultural heritage and its role in shaping an inclusive and democratic future. 

This webinar is free-of-charge but registration is compulsory. Register by 10 June 2024.

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