This Simposio aims to create a space to present and discuss the results of the most recent studies on the history of embroidery in its broadest dimension, without prioritizing specific cultural, artistic, or chronological areas but encompassing all aspects that such ancient art as embroidery entails.

Research Lines:

Those interested in participating in the congress by presenting a communication must adhere to any of the themes that the Scientific Committee has established following the following descriptors:

Spanish embroidery history. European embroidery history. Ibero-American embroidery history. Geographies and circulation. Temporal connections. Spatial connections. Material connections. Formal connections. Technical connections. Relationships and exchanges. Aesthetic relationships. Uses and functions. Identities. Dating. Survivals. Typologies. Definition of centers, workshops, studios, schools, masters, etc. Flow of artists. Transmission of teaching. Craft and guilds. Techniques and designs. Patronage and sponsorship. Cultural histories surrounding embroidery. Religious contexts. Civil contexts. Provenances. Religious image embroidery. Civil and military embroidery. Rituals and symbolic practices. Liturgies and ceremonies. Cataloging and conservation. Theory, methodology, and historiography. Authorship and attributions. Decorations and ornamentations. Museums and collections. Restoration and conservation. Documentary findings. Research sources. Copies and fakes. Art market and trade. New challenges and approaches.

Languages for communications: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, English.

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