This international conference aims to place Porto at the center of an international, interdisciplinary, and intersectoral knowledge exchange on participatory heritage practices in urban heritage management and governance. It further develops around three sub-themes: ​

  1. Co-creation in Education/Training – Innovative participation tools/actions in educational projects and programs in heritage studies; 
  2. Research on co-creation in urban heritage practices – Recent research trends, challenges, and opportunities of co-creation approaches in the management of historic urban landscapes; 
  3. Co-creation in heritage Practices – Cases of co-creation, private and public, from a small to a large scale, around heritage management, architecture, urban planning and governance. 

Deadlines & Dates 

Deadline for abstracts/posters and workshop proposals: 28/07/23 

Acceptance notification: 27/10/23 

Registration opens: 01/11/23 

Early bird registration deadline: 15/11/23 

Closing date for the payment of the registration fees: 30/11/23 

Conference: 29/01-02/02/24 

Deadline for full manuscripts: 08/04/24 

Acceptance notification for publication: 01/06/24 

If you have any questions, please contact us through this form.

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