The Centre for Heritage Management (CHM), Ahmedabad University is organizing its 5th edition of the International Conference on Heritage Management Education and Practice on 15-17 March 2024 in Ahmedabad.

The theme of this conference is 'Intersections of Heritage Economics and Digital Technologies'. We invite thinkers, practitioners, and learners who are comfortable with either or both of these thematic areas to join us in these deliberations at Ahmedabad University and share your expertise to find innovative ways of managing the diverse and rich heritage that we live with.


We propose to engage in many cross-cutting areas of inquiry like the following but not limited to:

  • Traditions, Communities, and Practices in the digital world
  • Emerging Economic Trends in Arts, Crafts and Heritage
  • Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions in the Digital Age
  • Digital Technologies and altered forms of Representing Arts and Crafts
  • Cultural Resource Accounting in the Digital Era
  • Emerging technologies in arts and heritage restoration
  • Digital Divide and Digital empowerment to artists 


Submit your 300-500 words abstract by 22nd January 2024.

Full paper submission is optional. Those who wish to get their full paper published in the Journal of Heritage Management can submit it by 1st March 2024 (subject to the Journal’s separate peer review process). 

Please feel free to write to for any other questions.


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