Please join me in spreading the call far and wide for this scholarship! The application period for the Society of American Archivists’ (SAA) Mosaic Scholarship is currently open, with a deadline of February 28, 2024

The Mosaic Scholarship was established to provide financial and mentoring support to minority students pursuing graduate education in archival science, to encourage students to pursue careers in archives, and to promote the diversification of the American archival profession. The award is given to applicants who demonstrate excellent potential for scholastic and personal achievement and who manifest a commitment both to the archival profession and to advancing diversity concerns within it. 

Up to two scholarships of $5,000 each will be awarded, contingent on available funds. In addition, each scholarship recipient receives a one-year complimentary membership to SAA and complimentary registration to the Society’s Annual Meeting for the year in which the scholarship was received. 

For more information on the scholarship, eligibility requirements and application instructions, please visit:  Click here to apply!

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