The Chinese translation has been developed under the direction of Gesa Schwantes, Associate Professor, Institute for Conservation of Cultural Heritage Shanghai University, China. Since November 2022 you can find it here.

A consortium of seven European institutions - supported by associated partners and external experts – has developed the richly illustrated glossary in eleven languages: Concise texts and demonstrative illustrations are designed to help readers quickly grasp and understand each term. The project was developed due to the use of differing terminology used in the fields of wall paintings and architectural surfaces. Since the end of October 2015, the glossary is available to the general public as an inexpensive, non-profit print publication:
EwaGlos - European Illustrated Glossary of Conservation Terms for Wall Paintings and Architectural Surfaces
English definitions with translations into Bulgarian, Croatian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish and Turkish, ed. by Angela Weyer, Pilar Roig Picazo, Daniel Pop, JoAnn Cassar, Aysun Özköse, Jean-Marc Vallet and Ivan Srša, Petersberg 2015 (=Publication Series by the Hornemann Institute 17).

After a worldwide survey, the consortium published a revised digital edition in December 2016: 10.5165/hawk-hhg/300 (aprox. 107 MB) (aprox. 57 MB)

After that, five more translations are available:
•    Arabic (June 2017) was developed under the direction of Professor Dr Hussein Mohamed Ali, Restoration Department of Minia University in Egypt.
•    Japanese (July 2018) could be publicized in cooperation of Professor Dr Takeshi Ishizaki, Tohoku University of Art and Design (Japan) and Member of ICOMOS, together with thirteen colleagues.
•    Russian (December 2018) is supplemented with the German text and was compiled by Professor Dr Yulia Griber of the Smolensk State University (Russia), together with six colleagues.
•    Persian (May 2019), compiled by Dr. Mehdi Razani, Assistance Professor of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, and Fatemeh Sehati M.Sc. in Archaeometry from Department of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property of the Tabriz Islamic Art University in Teheran (Iran).

You can find them as a free download on:

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