We invite everyone to submit a paper and share their research in the Nordic Association of Conservators’ Journal “Meddelelser Om Konservering” (MOK).

MoK is the Nordic Association of Conservators open access journal. The journal publishes original peer-reviewed papers on the conservation of cultural, natural and artistic works. Aims are to promote collaboration and to share knowledge on scientific research and advances in conservation practice, methods and techniques between conservators in the Nordic countries as well as internationally.

Papers can be submitted in English as well as Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish. All paper must be submitted through the online system http:/

All questions can be directed to the editors at

La rubrique des annonces de l'ICCROM est un service destiné aux institutions professionnelles de nos États membres. Elle fournit une liste d'annonces sur des sujets et des événements liés à la conservation dans le monde entier. Elles sont mises à la disposition du public de l'ICCROM uniquement à des fins d'information. La publication d'articles dans la rubrique des annonces ne signifie pas que l'ICCROM les approuve.

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