Visit: Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan
On 3 March at 10:30 the Director-General received the visit of H.E. Mammad Ahmadzada, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who was joined by Mr Elvin Ashrafzade, Second Secretary at the Embassy.
On 3 March at 10:30 the Director-General received the visit of H.E. Mammad Ahmadzada, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who was joined by Mr Elvin Ashrafzade, Second Secretary at the Embassy.
Le 12 février 2020, le directeur général a reçu la visite de Mme Daniela Porro, Soprintendente Speciale Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio de Rome, et d'Alessandro Mascherucci, architecte responsable de la partie du complexe du San Michele.
On 7th of February 2020 the Director-General received the visit of the Ambassador of Angola, H.E. Maria de Fátima Jardim.
Le 5 décembre 2019, le directeur général a reçu la visite de l'ambassadeur Andrea Meloni, de l'École internationale du patrimoine culturel de la Fondation Scuola dei beni e delle attivitá culturali.
Le 26 novembre, le Directeur général a reçu la visite de l'Ambassadeur des Philippines en Italie, S.E. Domingo Nolasco, et de Andrei Bauzon, Représentant permanent suppléant, Représentation permanente des Philippines auprès des agences des Nations Unies à Rome.
On 21st of November the Director-General received the visit of H.E. Abdulaziz bin Ahmed Al Malki Al Jehani, Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Italy and Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the UN Agencies in Rome.
On Friday 25 October 2019 ICCROM received the visit of the Ambassador of Costa Rica H.E. Ronald Flores, Ms Carla Sierra Zúñiga, Counsellor, Cultural Affairs, and Ms Sofia Soto Maffioli, Director, Museo de Arte Costarricense.
On Friday 25 October 2019 ICCROM received the visit of H.E. Carlos García de Alba, Ambassador, Mexico.
Le 17 octobre 2019, l'ICCROM a reçu la visite d'un groupe d'étude de la province du Zhejiang, dirigé par M. Bo DONG (économiste principal de l'Académie de recherche macroéconomique de la Commission provinciale de développement et de réforme du Zhejiang).
On 8 August, a delegation of Indonesian professionals visited ICCROM to discuss the planned World Heritage nomination of Bogor Botanic Gardens.