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PROJECTS MANAGER (bilingue anglais-français)

CDI - début mai 2024 Description du poste Sous la responsabilité de la Head of International Projects, contribuer au développement et à la mise en œuvre des projets internationaux dont l’ICOMOS est porteur, à savoir : Coordination générale : relations avec les organes ICOMOS ou partenaires...


The Materials Science of Metals and Microstructure

This seminar introduces the basic principles of materials science that govern the microstructure of metals and alloys. These principles also apply to other categories of materials, and the observation of microstructures is a well-established methodology in materials science for characterising the...


IIC Lima Congress 2024 in-person and online

The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC) and the Research Center for Heritage Conservation at the Universidad de Ingenieria & Tecnologia (UTEC) in Lima, are pleased that the 30th biennial IIC Congress 2024 will be hosted in person and online in Lima, Peru...

تقدم قبل

Heritage in Motion Award: the 2024 competition is now open

The Heritage in Motion Award celebrates unique and innovative audiovisual and multimedia projects which promote, explore, document, or safeguard Europe’s cultural heritage. It creates new routes for audiences into collections, and fosters their interest in world heritage. Founded in 2012 by the...

تقدم قبل

Post Graduate Course: Urban Heritage Strategies in War Time

In the face of urban transformation and conflict, the Urban Heritage Strategies course offers vital support to historic Ukrainian cities caught between military threats and developmental demands. Tailored for urban professionals, it provides essential tools and knowledge to balance heritage...


15th Conference of the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics (ICCM), Athens, 2025

It is a great pleasure to share with you the 1st Circular and Call for Abstracts for the 15th Conference of the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics (ICCM), to be held in Athens, Greece, from October 20-24, 2025. Hosted by the Directorate of Conservation of Ancient and Modern...


Chemistry for Conservators

This course is all about chemistry and is not about conservation treatment procedures. It aims to give you the chemical background to better understand the chemical processes behind the processes described in the conservation literature or taught at conservation training establishments. It is...


Adhesives and Conservation

This seminar looks at adhesives from a chemistry perspective. Recognising that adhesives are an important class of materials used by conservators and cultural heritage caretakers, this seminar examines adhesion, consolidation, different types of adhesives and their properties and looks in more...