Mosaics heritage is increasingly threatened by modern construction, looting and lack of qualified personnel to carry out much needed conservation and maintenance work. To address this need, a five-week international training course for…
Organisateurs et partenaires : ICCROM et l’Institut national du patrimoine
La réserve est le cœur d’un établissement patrimonial. Si une réserve organisée facilite la vie, la réserve encombrée, mal rangée, est source de nombreux maux. Mais par où…
Workshops on Enhancing the Social and Cultural Role of Community Museums in Western Sudan: Khalifa House, Omdurman; Sheikan Museum, El Obeid; and Dafur Museum, Nyala.
As part of the “Community Museums of Western Sudan”…
This year marks 500 years since the death of Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519), who in response to observing the natural world is believed to have written, “there is no such thing as waste.” The by-product of one industry should become the…
Partners are essential for heritage conservation efforts, as collaboration can leverage various types of capital (e.g., financial, human, social, physical materials) for such activities as fundraising, management, research, education, and…
ICCROM and CCI are pleased to launch the French translation of A Guide to Risk Management of Cultural Heritage.
In today’s world, cultural heritage institutions must strive to be accountable, transparent and participatory, spending resources…
ICCROM is shocked and saddened by the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral, and extends its heartfelt sympathy and solidarity with Parisians, the French people and the Catholic Church at this tragic time. It is a terrible loss for the world.
As part…
On 11 April 2019, the Annual Donor’s Meeting for the World Heritage Leadership Programme took place at the Ministry of Climate and Environment in Oslo, Norway.
The Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment hosted the donor’s meeting this…
This course is jointly organized by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan (Bunkacho); Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU); International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM);…
Working language: English
Course Fee: € 900
Scholarships: Once selected, participants who are unable to secure funding from other sources can apply for a partial or full scholarship.
Organizing partners
ICCROM, International Centre…
IGNCA – Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts
Vadadora (Baroda), Gujarat, India
There are more than 55000 museums in the world (Museums of the World directory by De Gruyter). Since the 1980s,…
In September 2018, Alain Godonou, a long-time ICCROM collaborator, was appointed Director of the Museums Programme of the Agence Nationale de promotion des Patrimoines et du Tourisme (ANPT) of Benin. This position is attached to the…
Fire risk management for cultural heritage
International seminar | Rio de Janeiro, 26-28 June 2019
Fire is a major hazard affecting cultural heritage assets around the world. Although it may seem a ‘rare…
ICCROM-Sharjah, in partnership with the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and the Directorate General of Antiquities (DGA) in Lebanon, is organizing a field school on the conservation of mosaics in-situ in Byblos, Lebanon.
The field school…
3rd Edition of the World Heritage Site Managers' Forum
“Towards Sustainable Heritage Management”
World Heritage Site managers from across the globe are invited to participate in this year’s Forum, aimed at continuing to empower World Heritage…
Goodbye to a friend
José Alejandro Flores
30 June 1940 – 16 February 2019
Alejandro Flores (born 1940 in Guatemala) attended the ICCROM Architectural Conservation course in 1971. He shared this extraordinary experience with…
ICCROM-Sharjah, in partnership with the Arab Administrative Development Organization of the League of Arab States, organized a four-day workshop on Conservation of Documentary Heritage in the period between 4 to 7 March 2019 in Sharjah, UAE.…
ICCROM and the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea present a new publication, now available for free download.
Authenticity is a nebulous term within the conservation profession. The concept has historically tended to privilege…
On 14 March, a group of students from the Master's Programme on Cultural Heritage Management at the University of Zaragoza, Spain, visited ICCROM. They were led by Professors Carmen Morte, Pilar Biel, and Ascensión Hernández.
© Renato Alongi, CC BY-SA 4.0
Sebastiano Tusa, head of the Coordination Service for Underwater Archaeological Research (Servizio per il Coordinamento delle Ricerche Archeologiche Sottomarine, SCRAS), has died. He was on board…
On 11 and 12 March, the World Heritage Leadership Programme held a meeting at ICCROM to discuss the content coordination of its planned integrated heritage management web platform.
This meeting focused on updating the content of the resource…
ICCROM-Sharjah has organized a workshop on post -crisis recovery of historic cities in the Arab Region, which took place on 24 – 28 February 2019 in Sharjah, UAE.
The event brought together specialists from international organizations such as…
In partnership with UNESCO Beirut and the Directorate General of Antiquities (DGA) in Lebanon, ICCROM-Sharjah held a training workshop on “Enhancing World Heritage Management Skills for Heritage Professionals” in Beirut, Lebanon, 8 – 11…
You are a Belgian museum and the situation of your storage keeps you up at night? You would like to improve your situation but you don’t know where to begin? Plus, you don’t have lots of human nor financial resources? Engage in the RE-ORG Belgium…
Fourteenth International Training Course (ITC) on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage
Organized by:
Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage Ritsumeikan University in cooperation with UNESCO, ICCROM, ICOMOS/ICORP and…