Group Training Course for Young Professionals on Cultural Heritage Protection in the Asia-Pacific Region 2021
This course is jointly organized by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan (Bunkacho); the Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for…
UNESCO Chair Programme on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management, Ristumeikan University, Japan, and in cooperation with ICCROM
Background and Objectives of the Course
The International Training Course on Disaster Risk Management of…
In: Muse Magazine Spring 2021
Heritage collections and their conservation have a crucial role to play in sustainable development. The Value Study of GLAMs in Canada has shown that visits to Canadian galleries, libraries, museums and archives are…
University of Cape Town by Ian Barbour/Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)
It is with deep regret that we have learnt that a tragic wildfire has destroyed buildings and property at and around the University of Cape Town. The burning of the Jagger…
Professor Giorgio Croci, long-time ICCROM collaborator, passed away on 16 April 2021 at the age of 85. Born in Rome, Giorgio Croci graduated in civil engineering at the University La Sapienza in 1960. He was appointed Professor of Structural…
Organized by ICCROM in collaboration with the Cultural Heritage Service of the Region of Emilia-Romagna, a RE-ORG professional training course will begin online for the first time in Italy on 26 April.
The sessions provide for the…
Asian Regional Course on Promoting People-Centred Approaches to Conservation of Nature and Culture (PNC21)
Partners: ICCROM, IUCN, Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea, Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment
In collaboration with…
Inclusive and integrated capacity building for protecting the city’s heritage can contribute to a sustainable future for its people.
The City of Mosul, meaning “the linking point" in Arabic, is home to a wealth of cultural and religious…
Programme Description
Addressing emerging conservation challenges in the Arab region and integrated approaches to heritage management, ICCROM through its regional centre in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, in partnership with the University of…
Conversaciones… offers a new volume dedicated to Nicholas Stanley-Price, an esteemed and admired colleague, who initially worked as an archaeologist in Cyprus and the Middle East, but then changed the course of his career to focus on conservation…
Resource of the Month
The Library’s first contribution to the Resource of the Month in November 2020 ended with a consideration on the difficulties of today, with the pandemic conditioning most aspects of our lives, including our study and learning possibilities.…
On 18 of March, ICCROM held its first virtual information meeting for the Rome-based representatives of its Member States. This came from a desire to enhance engagement with its Member States and inform local embassies of ICCROM’s work.
The Director of the Louvre-Lens and former President of the ICCROM Council has received the Legion of Honour, the highest French order of merit established in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte.
On the 1st of January each year, the list of new…
The webinar will explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on conservation and conservation learning across the broadest scope of our works. Panelists coming from different realms of the wider conservation field will share their…
Authors Martina Haselberger, Rohit Ranjitkar and Gabriela Krist address the reconstruction efforts in Patan Durbar Square in the Kathmandu Valley following extensive destruction caused by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in 2015 (Photo: Kathmandu…