Alhambra Palace - Granada
Alhambra Palace - Granada

The Second World War claimed more lives than any other war in history and obliterated a great deal of cultural property that defined the communities in which they were erected. This included many historic cities of Europe.

In its aftermath, the world needed a technical institution dedicated to preserving, protecting and restoring what humanity had destroyed. In response, UNESCO created ICCROM and chose Rome as its headquarters. As home to ICCROM and as a beneficiary of its earliest efforts, Europe is a region with which the organization has always had close ties, and which has also had an important role to play in the conservation sector.

Sixty years later, humanity is faced yet again with large-scale and catastrophic developments – mass displacement of people, entrenched conflict, harshening climate. All are challenging cultural heritage preservation. Europe is again in a positon to both benefit from and serve ICCROM’s efforts. This is not only because these demographic, political and climatic forces are playing out within or near its borders, but also because Europe is able – and therefore responsible – to play a more universal role in enacting change.

ICCROM is eager to engage with a Europe that leverages everything from its resources, to experience and diplomatic know-how to model inclusive and engaged societies. Europe can take the lead in truly integrating refugees who come in search of safety, embracing the cultures they bring and incorporating them into Europe’s own. Europe can show how caring for culture is caring for people as heritage congregates and generates cohesion, understanding and even economic opportunity. And when Europe extends this work beyond its borders, it can demonstrate how the returns on cultural diplomacy are more stable, inclusive and just nations – indeed, a better world.


European Cultural Heritage Summit

European Cultural Heritage Summit – Sharing Heritage, Sharing Values

The European Cultural Heritage Summit, held in Berlin, Germany from 18 to 24 June 2018, provided a venue to reflect on the present and future of cultural heritage in Europe.

Paper and Water: A Guide for Conservators, Revised 2nd Edition now available

Paper and Water: A Guide for Conservators, Revised 2nd Edition now available

Paper and Water: A Guide for Conservators, the handbook published by Gerhard Banik and Irene Brückle in 2011, after a decade of close cooperation with ICCROM, has been republished in a revised and expanded 2nd edition by Anton Siegl in Munich, Germany.

Visit: Russian Federation

Visit: Russian Federation

On 11 June, Nina Shangina, Chairperson, Council of the Union of Restorers of St Petersburg and ICCROM Council Member, and Sergey Makarov, Chairman, Government of St. Petersburg Committee for State Preservaton of Historical and Cultural Monuments, visited ICCROM.

World Cup Russia – Heritage Visits

World Cup Russia – Heritage Visits

Community consultation launched in the Lake Ohrid region

Community consultation launched in the Lake Ohrid region

An ICCROM-led workshop has marked the beginning of a consultation campaign in the Lake Ohrid region, involving a local team of volunteers from both the Albanian and Macedonian sides. This campaign supports the EU-UNESCO project, “Towards strengthened governance of the shared transboundary natural and cultural heritage of the Lake ”.

First Aid for Cultural Heritage training in the Netherlands

First Aid for Cultural Heritage training in the Netherlands

In this European Year for Cultural Heritage, an international course ‘First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis’ will be organized to train professionals from all over the world in the protection of cultural heritage. The course, which will take place in Brabant, the Netherlands, from 6 to 24 August 2018, includes modules on prevention, safe evacuation, stabilization and protection of...


The Challenges of World Heritage Recovery

ICCROM is participating in an international conference entitled The challenges of World Heritage recovery: international conference on reconstruction, to be held in the Royal Castle in Warsaw on 6 – 8 May 2018. The conference is organized by Poland as a State Party to the World Heritage Convention, in cooperation with World Heritage Centre.

Visit: Bahcesehir University

Visit: Bahcesehir University

On 6 April, a group of students from Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, currently studying at the International Academy of Rome, visited ICCROM. They were led by Dr Hicran Topcu, past ICCROM Fellow.

First aid to cultural heritage in Ireland

First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Ireland

Ireland has been a Member State of ICCROM since 1986, and over the years Irish professionals working in the cultural heritage sector have had the opportunity to attend excellent ICCROM training events worldwide. Participants have always returned full of enthusiasm, each time praising the experience and the high quality of training that they have received, as well as valuing the connections with...

Gennaro Tampone, 1936-2018

Gennaro Tampone, 1936-2018

Gennaro Tampone, Italian expert in historic wood structures and long-time ICCROM collaborator, has died in Florence at the age of 81. His involvement in the preservation and enhancement of architectural heritage was of great importance, not only for specialists but also for the entire restoration community. Prof Tampone was an authoritative member of ICOMOS, and a notable scholar who made...