Alhambra Palace - Granada
Alhambra Palace - Granada

The Second World War claimed more lives than any other war in history and obliterated a great deal of cultural property that defined the communities in which they were erected. This included many historic cities of Europe.

In its aftermath, the world needed a technical institution dedicated to preserving, protecting and restoring what humanity had destroyed. In response, UNESCO created ICCROM and chose Rome as its headquarters. As home to ICCROM and as a beneficiary of its earliest efforts, Europe is a region with which the organization has always had close ties, and which has also had an important role to play in the conservation sector.

Sixty years later, humanity is faced yet again with large-scale and catastrophic developments – mass displacement of people, entrenched conflict, harshening climate. All are challenging cultural heritage preservation. Europe is again in a positon to both benefit from and serve ICCROM’s efforts. This is not only because these demographic, political and climatic forces are playing out within or near its borders, but also because Europe is able – and therefore responsible – to play a more universal role in enacting change.

ICCROM is eager to engage with a Europe that leverages everything from its resources, to experience and diplomatic know-how to model inclusive and engaged societies. Europe can take the lead in truly integrating refugees who come in search of safety, embracing the cultures they bring and incorporating them into Europe’s own. Europe can show how caring for culture is caring for people as heritage congregates and generates cohesion, understanding and even economic opportunity. And when Europe extends this work beyond its borders, it can demonstrate how the returns on cultural diplomacy are more stable, inclusive and just nations – indeed, a better world.


Italy Ratifies Amendment to Headquarters Agreement

Italy Ratifies Amendment to Headquarters Agreement

The Italian Chamber of Deputies gave the green light to the ratification and execution of the exchange of letters between Italy and ICCROM. This follows the approval at the Senate. MP Mirella Emiliozzi (Five Star Movement): keeping ICCROM’s headquarters in our country is of great interest and of particular relevance.

Twelve new members have been elected to serve in the ICCROM Council during the period of 2019-2023. We extend our congratulations to all the elected members and look forward to working closely with our newly formed Council.

Congratulations to the newly elected ICCROM Council members

Twelve new members have been elected to serve in the ICCROM Council during the period of 2019-2023. We extend our congratulations to all the elected members and look forward to working closely with our newly formed Council.

New Framework Agreement strengthens links between ICCROM and Italy

New Framework Agreement strengthens links between ICCROM and Italy

ICCROM and the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali sign a strategic partnership agreement to internationalize Italian expertise. With the aim of boosting the internationalization of the Italian cultural heritage system and of exporting Italian expertise in cultural heritage management, research and training, an agreement was signed today between Carla Di Francesco, former...

Grellan D. Rourke – Winner of the 2019 ICCROM Award

Grellan D. Rourke – Winner of the 2019 ICCROM Award

ICCROM has the pleasure to announce the winner of the 2019 ICCROM Award, Mr Grellan D. Rourke, Senior Conservation Architect, Heritage Services for Ireland. A graduate of from University College Dublin with a Bachelor of Architecture in 1977, Grellan completed a Diploma in Conservation 1978 at the Collège d’Europe, Brugge, before embarking on his career with the Office of Public Works in Ireland...

Saving Lives and Protecting Heritage

Saving Lives and Protecting Heritage

When a major disaster strikes, urban search and rescue (USAR) teams, under the coordination of the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG), are deployed within several hours. In these first moments, especially when disaster debris is removed, the affected region stands to lose most of its significant cultural heritage. Due to the extensive loss of cultural heritage during these...

Kizhi Course honoured with Intermuseum ’19 nomination

Kizhi Course honoured with Intermuseum ’19 nomination

The first international course on “Conservation and restoration of wooden architecture” has been nominated as one of the best museum educational projects at “Intermuseum ‘19”, the annual all-Russia museum fair.

 International Scientific and Practical Conference - Ukraine

International Scientific and Practical Conference - Ukraine

ICCROM and its partners in Ukraine are sending out a call for papers to participate in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Restoration of architectural monuments under the conditions of high level of subsoil waters and increased interior humidity” which will take place on 24-25 October 2019 at the National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Preserve.

Michael Petzet

Michael Petzet, 1933-2019

Michael Petzet, former President of ICOMOS Germany from 1988 to 2008 and of ICOMOS International from 1999 to 2012, has passed away. He was 86 years old.

RE-ORG Slovenia

RE-ORG Slovenia

The National Museum of Contemporary History in Ljubljana has hosted RE-ORG Slovenia, organized by ICOM Slovenia. The first part of the training programme took place from 22-24 May 2019.


Survey: Needs and challenges for collections display and storage

The anticipated innovations include active and intelligent display cases, storage crates and archival boxes to improve exhibition, storage and transport conditions for museum, archives, libraries and private collections. To provide critical guidance for the project please take this survey and share your experience.