Centre international d'études
pour la conservation et la
restauration des biens culturels
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La técnica de la Foto-Pintura en el Siglo XIX

Esta charla se enfocará en los cambios técnicos que marcan a la pintura del siglo XIX. Se ahondará principalmente en el uso de impresiones fotográficas sobre tela, que funcionaron como base para la pintura al oleo. Si bien esta fue una práctica generalizada, estas foto-pinturas no han sido...

Bourse d'études
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Two Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Conservation Science, University of Oslo

The Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History at the University of Oslo is accepting applications for two Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Conservation Science. Application deadline: 16 August 2024. Both fellows will be hired to contribute to my ERC-funded project, POLYCHROME – "The Survival...

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Next Series of Hornemann Institute's Online Courses Runs from 7 October - 1 December 2024

We are pleased to be able to offer our full course program again in the winter semester. in English: Updated: Microbial Infestation of Objects of Art and Cultural Heritage How to Safely Handle Contaminated Cultural Heritage Mould and Documents Church Rooms and their Climate. Heating, Ventilation...


Navigating Cultural Diversity: Challenges and Opportunities in Cultural Heritage Management and the Transformation of Cultural Identity

This study is part of a research project at the Rome Business School for the International Masters in Art and Culture Management to gather insights from professionals about the practices, challenges, and innovations in cultural heritage management, particularly focusing on cultural diversity...


The perception of restorers on illicit trafficking

"The role of restorers in combating the illegal trade in works of art is complex and delicate. On the one hand, their deep knowledge and technical skills make them key figures in the process of authentication and reassessment of works of art, making them potential targets for traffickers seeking to...


Publication Announcement: Our Paper on Characteristics of Sizings in Persian Manuscripts in the Journal of Studies in Conservation

I am delighted to share with you the exciting news that our paper titled "Characteristics of Sizing Materials Used in Persian Medieval Manuscripts: Physical, Optical, Spectral Imaging, and Fungicidal Properties" has been published in Studies in Conservation under Taylor and Francis. You can access...

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ICOM Award: Candidates Call for Applications

Does your museum have a groundbreaking sustainable development project? ICOM is looking for museums to showcase innovative practices that align with the 5 P's of Agenda 2030: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership. The inaugural ICOM Award is calling for innovative applicants! This is...


Fotogrametría aplicada a la documentación de patrimonio

El objetivo principal de esta ponencia es demostrar, a través de ejemplos claros y prácticos, las amplias posibilidades que ofrece la fotogrametría para la evaluación y el diagnóstico de bienes culturales tridimensionales. Los participantes obtendrán una comprensión importante sobre esta técnica y...


Survey: Nanolime for stone Heritage

Join the survey from Cyril Maucourant, a postdoctoral researcher fellow in stone conservation and materials science at Sheffield Hallam University. The participation of stone conservators (working in a museum and built heritage sectors) in answering a quick online survey about using nano lime for...