You can download the full list of partners in PDF format:

Partner Country
Musée des Civilisations Noires (MCN) Sénégal
Musée Régional du Centre/Sokodé Togo
Museum Musik Indonesia Indonésie
Nara City Government Japon
Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties Japon
Nara Prefectural Government Japon
National Agency for the Promotion of Heritage and the Development of Tourism (ANPT) Bénin
National Archives of Malawi Malawi
National Art Museum of Catalonia (MNAC) Espagne
National Associated Press Agency (ANSA) Italie
National Association of Research in Technology and Heritage Science (ANTECIPA) Brésil
National Center for Conservation and Restoration (CNCR) Chili
National Central Library of Florence (BNCF) Italie
National Centre for Arts and Culture (NCAC) Gambie
National Centre for World Heritage sites (CNPM) Chili
National Commission for Museums and Monuments (NCMM) Nigéria
National Coordination for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, National Institute of Anthropology and History (CNCPC-INAH) Mexique
National Corporation of Antiquities and Museums (NCAM) Soudan
National Council for the Protection of La Antigua Guatemala (CNPAG) Guatemala
National Cultural Heritage Administration (NCHA) Chine
National Discovery Museum Institute (Museum Siam) (NDMI) Thaïlande
National Fire and Rescue Service (CNVVF) Italie
National Gallery Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
National Intercultural University of Quillabamba (UNIQ) Pérou
National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC) Portugal