Reproductions and Publications

Reproduction of records older than 20 years is allowed upon obtaining the Archivist’s authorization. Permission to consult or make research reproductions of archival documents does not grant or imply permission to publish this material or to provide copies to others.

In the case of special archives, such as those composed of drawings, photographs or audiovisual material (especially if ICCROM holds the copyright), reproductions may be subjected to the payment of a fee, particularly when the requested copies are to be used for commercial purposes.

Requests to publish copies of records must be referred to the ICCROM Archivist. Permission is granted for one-time use and only for the purpose specified in the request.


When information or text derived from the holdings of the ICCROM Archives is published or cited in publications, users are requested to use the following form of acknowledgement: “With permission of ICCROM Archives.” Identification of the item/file/series/fonds should also be included.

When publishing items from special archives, such as drawings, photographs or audiovisual material, all reproduction(s) must indicate the author’s name, title and date of the original record, if available, and the following credit: “© ICCROM” or “© Author’s name. ICCROM Archives by permission of the author” (if ICCROM does not hold the copyright).