International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property


Kizhi Open Air Museum Visit

Visit: Kizhi Open Air Museum

On 11 May, the Director-General received a delegation from the Kizhi Open Air Museum in Karelia, Russian Federation, led by the museum's director, Dr Elena Bogdanova.

Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco

Visit: Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco

On 10 May the Director-General received the visit of the Head of the Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco, Ing. Gioacchino Giomi and of Geom. Luca Michelino, and Ing. Stefano Marsella.

Visit: Fondazione IES Abroad

On Tuesday 18 April, three American students from the Fondazione IES Abroad Italy course on 'Repairing the Past: Conservation, Theory and Practice' visited ICCROM. Their visit was led by Prof. Christina Danielli.

Comando Carabini Tutela Patrimonio Culturale Visit

Visit: Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale

On 5 April, the Director-General received the visit of Gen. Fabrizio Parrulli, Generale of the Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale.

Korean Cultural Heritage Administration visit

Visit: Korean Cultural Heritage Administration

On 24 March the Director-General received the visit of a delegation from the Korean Cultural Heritage Administration.

lisa-ackermann Visit

Visit: World Monuments Fund

On 16 March the Director-General received the visit of Ms Lisa Ackermann, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the World Monuments Fund.

Visit Universitè Paris Sud

Visit: Université Paris Sud

On 17 March, a group of students from the Université Paris Sud visited ICCROM with their professor, Dr Vincent Négri.

Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties

Visit: Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties

On 20 February, the Director-General received the visit of Nobuo Kamei, Director of the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties (Tobunken), Japan.

Visit Ecole française - Rome

Visit: Ecole française - Rome

On 15 February, a group of 14 researchers from the Ecole française de Rome visited ICCROM to tour the Library and Archive.

"Incontro di Civiltà" Association Visit

Visit: "Incontro di Civiltà" Association

On 1 February Mr Francesco Rutelli, President of the "Incontro di Civiltà" Association, and Prof Paolo Matthiae, La Sapienza University, visited ICCROM to meet with the Director-General, Stefano De Caro.