Centro Internacional de Estudios de Conservación y Restauración de los Bienes Culturales

Temas destacados

Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco

Visit: Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco

On 10 May the Director-General received the visit of the Head of the Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco, Ing. Gioacchino Giomi and of Geom. Luca Michelino, and Ing. Stefano Marsella.

Kizhi Open Air Museum Visit

Visit: Kizhi Open Air Museum

On 11 May, the Director-General received a delegation from the Kizhi Open Air Museum in Karelia, Russian Federation, led by the museum's director, Dr Elena Bogdanova.

Visit: Fondazione IES Abroad

On Tuesday 18 April, three American students from the Fondazione IES Abroad Italy course on 'Repairing the Past: Conservation, Theory and Practice' visited ICCROM. Their visit was led by Prof. Christina Danielli.

Comando Carabini Tutela Patrimonio Culturale Visit

Visit: Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale

On 5 April, the Director-General received the visit of Gen. Fabrizio Parrulli, Generale of the Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale.

Korean Cultural Heritage Administration visit

Visit: Korean Cultural Heritage Administration

On 24 March the Director-General received the visit of a delegation from the Korean Cultural Heritage Administration.

Visit Universitè Paris Sud

Visit: Université Paris Sud

On 17 March, a group of students from the Université Paris Sud visited ICCROM with their professor, Dr Vincent Négri.

lisa-ackermann Visit

Visit: World Monuments Fund

On 16 March the Director-General received the visit of Ms Lisa Ackermann, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the World Monuments Fund.

Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties

Visit: Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties

On 20 February, the Director-General received the visit of Nobuo Kamei, Director of the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties (Tobunken), Japan.

Visit Ecole française - Rome

Visit: Ecole française - Rome

On 15 February, a group of 14 researchers from the Ecole française de Rome visited ICCROM to tour the Library and Archive.

"Incontro di Civiltà" Association Visit

Visit: "Incontro di Civiltà" Association

On 1 February Mr Francesco Rutelli, President of the "Incontro di Civiltà" Association, and Prof Paolo Matthiae, La Sapienza University, visited ICCROM to meet with the Director-General, Stefano De Caro.