International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
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Visit on 29 May 2023

Visit from former participants of the Scuola di Specializzazione per lo Studio e il Restauro dei Monumenti

On 29 May, ICCROM was pleased to welcome a group of former participants of the Scuola di Specializzazione per lo Studio e il Restauro dei Monumenti, Faculty of Architecture of University La Sapienza. Lectures of their course were held at ICCROM, together with those of the ARC course, which was organized in close collaboration with La Sapienza.

Germaine Joseph, ICCROM, Conservation of Built Heritage participant from Saint Lucia.

CBH course participant: Germaine Joseph from Saint Lucia

Being aware of current challenges in my sector in the Caribbean, I came to the Course seeking formal training and a deeper understanding of the field of resilience and sustainability of heritage buildings to safeguard our historic buildings against deterioration and, more recently, the effects of climate change.

Japan Embassy visit 2023

Visit from Embassy of Japan to the Italian Republic

On 24 May 2023, ICCROM Director-General Webber Ndoro had the honour of meeting a delegation from the Embassy of Japan to the Italian Republic here at ICCROM headquarters in Rome. The delegation consisted of Minister Tsukasa Hirota, Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Japan in Italy, and Ms Chiharu Umezawa from the Cultural Section.

FAR Ecuador workshop 2023

Workshop on damage and risk assessment for Ecuador following earthquake

On 10 May 2023, the ICCROM FAR team conducted a damage and risk assessment workshop for the Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural from Ecuador. We received a formal request from ICCROM Council Member Mr Juan Badillo and Ms Valentina Brevi, Director of de Gestión de Riesgos del Patrimonio Cultural, to hold the workshop in light of a recent earthquake that destroyed the city of Cuenca, Ecuador –...

Net Zero

Field-testing of integrated strategies for heritage-based climate action, disaster risk reduction and peacebuilding begins!

The in-person workshop of the second phase of the “Net Zero: Heritage for Climate Action” project, “Developing Integrated Strategies for Heritage Safeguard, Climate Action, Disaster Risk Reduction and Peacebuilding,” held from 11 April to 3 May 2023, in Rome and Cinque Terre has come to an end with concrete ways in which heritage can be used to reduce risks, enhance adaptive capacities, mitigate...

Family of legendary conservators donate samples to ICCROM Archives 

Family of legendary conservators donate samples to ICCROM Archives 

One of the ICCROM Archives’ largest sample collections is the Mora Samples Archive, donated by famous conservators Laura and Paolo Mora for teaching and research purposes. Many of the samples are from world-renowned heritage places, such as the Tomb of Nefertari, where sampling is no longer allowed. The collection currently includes 1 200 samples collected from the 1960s to the 1980s from heritage...

Paul N. Perrot (1926–2023)

Paul N. Perrot (1926–2023)

It is with great sadness that we send our deepest condolences to Mr Perrot's children – Paul, Chantal, Jeannine and Robert – on behalf of the ICCROM staff and all those who, through ICCROM's activities, benefited from his work. Mr Perrot played a considerable role in the world of museums and the conservation of cultural property, particularly at ICCROM.

Visit from Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

Visit from Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

​On 12 May 2023, students from Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Portugal, visited us at ICCROM headquarters. ​

Transforming Collections-based Institutions with Our Collections Matter

Transforming collections-based institutions with Our Collections Matter 

The Our Collections Matter (OCM) Field Projects and Workshops Series successfully concluded in January 2023, eight months after the kick-off meeting held in May 2022. Over the extensive period, participating collections-based institutions of different kinds and scales from Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America attended bi-monthly workshops and actively worked on their field projects inspired by...

Happy African World Heritage Day!

On 5 May, we join the international community in commemorating the African World Heritage Day. On this day, we want to celebrate the authenticity of African natural sites, traditions, beliefs, folklore, but also modern entrepreneurship, art, and cultural projects curated and run by young Africans.