International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
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International archaeological conference becomes first ICCROM-NRICH activity under new MoU

International archaeological conference becomes first ICCROM-NRICH activity under new MoU

On 20 July 2023, ICCROM Director-General Webber Ndoro was in the Republic of Korea for the joint ICCROM and NRICH international symposium, "World Archaeology: Ancient Cities and Royal Capitals." The symposium was the first outcome of the MoU signed between NRICH and ICCROM in June.

ICCROM-led workshop identifies nearly 80 collections endangered and heritage sites at risk in Sudan

ICCROM-led workshop helps identify 77 at-risk heritage sites and collections amid the ongoing conflict in Sudan

From 6 to 10 July 2023, ICCROM – in partnership with UNESCO Paris, UNESCO Cairo and UNESCO Khartoum, and in close collaboration with ICOMOS International and the Egyptian Heritage Rescue Foundation (EHRF) – co-organized a workshop in Cairo, Egypt, to support Sudan’s National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums (NCAM) in safeguarding Sudan’s heritage amid the ongoing crisis.

Gael de Guichen and Director General Webber Ndoro sign agreement officially transferring de Guichen's archive of RE-ORG materials to the ICCROM Archives

Gaël de Guichen donates RE-ORG archive to ICCROM

On 14 July 2023, we were honoured to officially receive a generous donation of RE-ORG materials to the ICCROM Archives. Special Advisor to the Director-General and a precursor of the RE-ORG Method, Gaël de Guichen, donated more than a decade’s worth of archival materials related to RE-ORG. On this particular occasion, Mr de Guichen and ICCROM Director-General Webber Ndoro signed the agreement that...

​​The Nantucket Historical Association (NHA) has partnered with ICCROM

ICCROM partners with Nantucket Historical Association for a graduate student internship programme aimed at a sustainable future of Nantucket’s built heritage in the face of Climate Change

​We are proud partners of a new initiative to involve graduate students in creating a disaster and climate risk management plan for the historic island of Nantucket in Massachusetts, USA. The Nantucket Historical Association (NHA) has partnered with ICCROM and Integrated Conservation Resources Inc. and Integrated Conservation Contracting, Inc. (ICR-ICC) and the Weitzman School of Design at the...

WHSMF 2023

More than 100 heritage managers from 63 countries discuss World Heritage needs for #TheNext50 at WHSMF

In mid-June 2023, the ICCROM-IUCN World Heritage Leadership (WHL) programme, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the Ministry of Culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by its Heritage Commission in cooperation with ICOMOS launched the 5th edition of the World Heritage Site Managers’ Forum. The online component of the Forum, delivered between June and July, brought together more than...


Now available for the first time – explore Cultural Heritage 4 Inclusive Growth (CH4IG) projects in Southeast Asia

Now available for the first time – explore the Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth (CH4IG) UK-Southeast Asia Collaboration projects! These projects are some of the many grassroots initiatives taking place in the region. The insights from these case studies have contributed to an expanding knowledge base that will influence future initiatives, policies and interventions.

View our archives online through our new portal! 

View our archives online through our new portal!

We are pleased to announce the launch of the ICCROM Records and Archives web portal, a new platform providing access to our Digital Collections and ICCROM's historical archive inventory.

ICCROM in Egypt for Sudan

LIVE: ICCROM in Cairo to help Sudanese heritage professionals respond to crisis

ICCROM, through our First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAR) programme and our Sharjah Regional Office (UAE), in close collaboration with the National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums (NCAM), UNESCO and the Egyptian Heritage Rescue Foundation (EHRF), is organizing a five-day workshop on crisis response, risk mitigation, and first aid for Sudan's endangered...


Third PNC course held to meet growing demand for capacity building on World Heritage management 

This year's third edition of our People Nature Culture (PNC) course brought together 22 World Heritage site managers and practitioners from 19 countries. This international flagship foundational course of the ICCROM-IUCN World Heritage Leadership (WHL) programme has become a hallmark event of learning and exchange between natural and cultural World Heritage places.

Interns at ICCROM

Volunteers, fellows and interns contribute to ICCROM’s mission

ICCROM headquarters was a full house in April, May and June – we have been happy hosts of fellows, interns and volunteers from across the globe.