Centro Internacional de Estudios de Conservación y Restauración de los Bienes Culturales
Filtro por region
conversacionesn... con HERB STOVEL - numero 8

Conversaciones... con Herb Stovel | Number 8 - 2020

This volume of Conversaciones… is dedicated to a dear former colleague, Herb Stovel (1948-2012). He was a giant in the field of conservation. He played an important role in the preparation of a number of important international documents and his constant support for younger conservation professionals, always encouraging and bringing out the best of them.
Conversaciones con ... Cesare Brandi y Giulio Carlo Argan | Number 7 - 2019

Conversaciones con ... Cesare Brandi y Giulio Carlo Argan | Number 7 - 2019

The seventh volume of Conversaciones… marks the beginning of a new period of the journal, as it will now become a co-publication between the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), through the Coordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural (CNCPC), and ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property).
قراءات في الحفاظ على الفسيفساء

قراءات في الحفاظ على الفسيفساء

Using a selection of essential texts from the last 30 years, the publication illustrates the key issues and concepts in the field of archaeological mosaic conservation. It begins with a historical and technical overview of the mosaic heritage of the region, with many illustrations, and includes summaries of the key charters and conventions on conservation of cultural heritage. The multilingual glossary contains over 230 terms, 40 of which are also defined in a lexicon.
Rio de Janeiro Declaration on Fire Risk Reduction in Cultural Heritage

Rio de Janeiro Declaration on Fire Risk Reduction in Cultural Heritage

Fire is a major hazard affecting cultural heritage assets around the world. Although it may seem a rare event from a single institution’s perspective, large fires are far more frequent when considering the total heritage of a nation. Furthermore, their impact is typically catastrophic, causing total or almost total loss in the affected cultural property. The majority of fires affecting heritage institutions can be avoided or greatly reduced by proper maintenance and safety procedures. In order to prevent fire disasters, emergency preparedness is essential but it must not be the only strategy. There is a clear need to promote more effective legislation and policies, to stimulate research and the use of appropriate fire safety technologies, to create a fire prevention culture in heritage organizations, and to raise awareness in society about this issue.
Revisiting Authenticity in the Asian Context

Revisiting Authenticity in the Asian Context

Authenticity is a nebulous term within the conservation profession. The concept has historically tended to privilege materials-based approaches to conservation practice over recognizing spiritual and non-material values of a place, however, the drafting of the Nara Document in 1994 marked a shift in paradigm. Considered an important moment in the history of conservation, the Document expanded the concept of authenticity and drew attention to cultural diversity within the heritage discourse.

Series: ICCROM CHA Conservation Forum Series Number 2
World Heritage Leadership Brochure

World Heritage Leadership Brochure

World Heritage Leadership is a new capacity building programme of ICCROM and IUCN with a unique people centred-approach to the integration of nature and culture, finding innovative ways to enhance the management practices of heritage through the work of the World Heritage Convention.
Protective Shelters for Archaeological Sites

Protective Shelters for Archaeological Sites

One of few publications to address the issue of protective shelters, this book records the results of a week-long symposium that used the archaeological site of Herculaneum as an “open classroom”.
First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis

First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis - Handbook

First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis is a two-part publication created for the various actors involved in an emergency. It provides a practical method and a set of ready-to-use tools for securing endangered cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible. The user-friendly workflows help readers to plan and implement coordinated cultural rescue and risk reduction operations that involve local communities, heritage custodians, emergency responders and humanitarians.